
The Indian government publish draft legislation to limit antibiotic pollution from manufacturing

In India´s National Action Plan to combat antibiotic resistance from 2017, the Indian government expressed an intention to regulate antibiotic discharges from all national manufacturing sites. Now, they have published a draft of the new legislation.

The emission limits are largely derived from the Predicted No Effect Concentrations (PNECs) for resistance selection as proposed in 2016 by Johan Bengtsson-Palme and Joakim Larsson at CARe.

Joakim Larsson comments:
- This is a result from a long journey, starting more than a decade ago when we published the first of a long series of studies relating to Industrial pharmaceutical pollution in India. Since then, we have participated in probably over 100 meetings with regulators, academia, industry and other stakeholders, including direct discussions with the Indian government. It is great to see that important steps now are taken to regulate such emissions, but there are of course many challenges left until it is implemented. Also, other countries need to follow.
