Eva Wiberg på EUTOPIA Week
Eva Wiberg at EUTOPIA Week

The European University Alliance EUTOPIA receives renewed support


Since 2019, the University of Gothenburg has been part of the European University Alliance EUTOPIA. Today came the news that the EU Commission has granted extended funding for the renewed EUTOPIA cooperation: EUTOPIA MORE.

- Gaining renewed confidence from the European Commission shows that the path EUTOPIA has chosen among the European university alliances has been successful, says Eva Wiberg, Rector of the University of Gothenburg.

Photo: Johan Wingborg

The European University Alliance EUTOPIA consists of ten European universities. The alliance aims to help prepare Europe's young people for the local and global challenges of the future. Sustainability, collaboration, and international cooperation are in focus for both research and education, and students' opportunities for influence are central.

Strengthened cooperation

The renewed collaboration, EUTOPIA MORE, places even greater emphasis on strengthening collaborations between higher education institutions and civil society both locally and globally.

- We have listen to feedback from the first EUTOPIA period to keep the best parts and creating even more contact surfaces both between our ten universities, but also globally, says Torbjörn Lundh, Vice Rector for Collaboration at the University of Gothenburg.

New educational initiatives

Great emphasis will be placed on improved educational initiatives within EUTOPIA MORE. Among other things, there is the ambition to create a future EUTOPIA College, an enriched joint curriculum for the bachelor's, master’s, and doctoral programs.

- Through the key words "Connecting Communities", EUTOPIA MORE focuses on improving the conditions for researchers and students to participate in constructive exchanges of knowledge that can help solve local and global societal challenges, says Torbjörn Lundh, Vice Rector for Collaboration at the University of Gothenburg.


Read more about EUTOPIA