
Successful weeks for migration research at University of Gothenburg


No less than nine new migration and integration research projects have been granted funding in the calls from the Swedish Research Council and Forte in the last two weeks.

We are particularly pleased that Centre on Global Migration received a large grant of almost 18 million SEK for establishing a research environment in migration and integration.

Compared to other universities in Sweden, University of Gothenburg has had a very successful application round for migration related research in this years’ call from the Swedish Research Council and Forte. During the last year, CGM has worked continuously to create meeting spaces and to encourage collaboration between researchers at the university across the disciplines. Among other things, CGM has organised several application workshops to this aim.

- To have been granted this many migration and integration research projects at the University of Gothenburg, especially considering the fact that many of them are interdisciplinary, we take as an indication that our work to facilitate cooperation between migration researchers across the university is starting to bear fruit, Andrea Spehar, director of CGM says.

Research Environment in Migration and Integration

The Swedish Research Council also decided on grant distribution for the special call on establishing research environments within migration and integration this week. Out of 38 applications, four were granted, among them one from the University of Gothenburg and CGM.

CGM received almost 18 million SEK through Andrea Spehar’s successful application for the research environment Refugee Migration and Cities: Social Institutions, Political Governance and Integration in Jordan, Turkey and Sweden (SIPGI).

– The grant gives us good conditions for creating a durable research environment, and to continue to stimulate interdisciplinary cooperation in the field of migration related research, within the university as well as internationally, says Andrea Spehar.

Read an interview with Andrea Spehar about the research environment project

Granted migration and integration research projects

The projects below have been granted funding by Swedish Research Council’s calls in Humanities and social sciences and Educational sciences as well as Forte’s annual open call 2018. You can find more information about each project (where such is available) and other collaborating researchers by clicking on the title of the project.

Research environment grant within migration and integration, Swedish Research Council

Andrea Spehar, Associate Professor, Director Centre on Global Migration (CGM)
Refugee Migration and Cities: Social Institutions, Political Governance and Integration in Jordan, Turkey and Sweden (SIPGI)
17 660 000 SEK

Humanities and social sciences, Swedish Research Council

Johan Järlehed, Senior lecturer, Department of Languages and Literatures
Språkets roll i segregations- och gentrifieringsprocesser: språkliga landskap i Göteborg
5 760 000 SEK

Sebastian Lundmark, researcher, SOM-institute
Ett projekt för utvecklandet av nya interventioner för att minska svarsbortfallet i frågeundersökningar bland invandrare, socialt utsatta grupper, och bland personer som bor i utanförskapsområden.
3 000 000 SEK

Oksana Shmulyar Gréen, Senior lecturer, Department of Sociology and Work Science
Var hör jag till och vilka bryr jag mig om? Upplevelser av mobilitet, omsorgsrelationer och tillhörighet bland barn till östeuropeiska EU arbetskraftsmigranter i Sverige
4 250 000 SEK

Educational sciences, Swedish Research Council

Tommaso Milani, Professor, Department of Swedish
Citizenship and democracy education for adult newly arrived migrants? – A Policy Ethnographic Study of Civic Orientation for newly arrived Migrants in three Urban Municipalities in Sweden (information in Swedish)
5 899 111 SEK

Elisabet Öhrn, Professor, Department of Education and Special Education
Utbildning och integration av unga nyanlända på landsbygden (information in Swedish)
5 991 000 SEK

Annual open call 2018, Forte

Ingrid Höjer, Professor, Department of Social Work
Transnational childhoods: building of significant relationships among Polish and Romanian migrant children after reunification with parents in Sweden
4 030 000 SEK

Gabriella Elgenius, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Work Science
The role of civil society in supporting migrants’ labour market participation in diverse areas: A comparative study of Sweden and the United Kingdom (information in Swedish)
3 530 000 SEk

Anja K Franck, Senior lecturer, School of Global Studies
Employer-sponsorship, temporality and deportability: Investigating the room to maneuver of asylum seekers in the Swedish labor market
3 030 000 SEK

More information about the results from the Swedish Research Council's calls

More information about the results from Forte’s annual open call 2018