
Successful summit about the ageing population - summary of GPCC's Summit


This invitational summit was held at Sahlgrenska Academy on the 24th November, on the theme “The Person-centred Approach to an Ageing Society”. It was hosted by University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-centred Care (GPCC). A number of prominent representatives from the fields of research, health care, industry and culture from Sweden and Europe spent a full day debating the subject with great interest and enthusiasm. Next year’s summit is already being planned.

The aim of this annual summit is, according to GPCC Director Inger Ekman, to create a common agenda for research and implementation within person-centred care.

Pam Fredman, Vice Chancellor of the University of Gothenburg, was very satisfied with the engagement among the summit participants.

Apart from Pam Fredman, other participants included Lars Grip, Director of Research, Development and Training at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Mats Ulfendahl, Chief Secretary of Medicine & Health at the Swedish Research Council, Gunnar Olsson, Vice President at AstraZeneca R&D Innovative Medicines, Alan Tennant, Professor of Rehabilitational Studies at the University of Leeds and Cristiano Codagnone, an expert on eHealth from the European Commission and Economist at the University of Milan and the Open University of Catalonia.