
Roger Butlin new elected foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science


On the 13 December Roger Butlin was elected member of the biology class of the Academy.

This is a life-time honorary election and it is strictly based on important achievements in science.

Portrait of Roger ButlinThe Academy has 470 Swedish and 175 foreign members, all elected by the Academy peers. The members are distributed over 10 classes. The Royal Academy represents Sweden's foremost, and independent, expertise in sciences, and it has an important role in evaluation, dissemination and funding of science. The Nobel prizes in physics and chemistry, and the international Crafoord prize in biology, mathematics and astronomy are all by decision of the Academy.

Roger Butlin is professor of evolutionary biology at University of Sheffield, and is also affiliated to University Gothenburg and the Marine Science department. He is a distinguished scholar and an internationally prominent scientist in evolutionary biology.

Roger Butlin has contributed to well over 230 scientific papers, most of which in leading journals in evolutionary biology, in addition to comments and short contributions. Examples of outstanding achievements also include chief editorship and associate editorship in lead evolutionary journals, president of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology. Roger Butlin has earlier been awarded the Darwin-Wallace Medal by the Linnean Society of London, Tage Erlander's Guest Professorship, and he is honorary doctor at University of Gothenburg.