
New national research programme on migration and integration


The Swedish government has given the Swedish Research Council the task of establishing a ten year national research programme on the subject of migration and integration.

The research programme aims to highlight all aspects of migration and integration, increase knowledge about the conditions for creating inclusive societies and cover research about both short and long term causes and consequences of migration, for example economic, demographic and social aspects. 

The research within the programme will take into account perspectives of gender and equality. The current research focus by the Swedish Research Concil on racism and xenophobia can be a part of this programme. 

With the decision, the Swedish government aims to create favourable conditions for science to participate in solving societal challenges, for interdisciplinary and cross-sectional cooperation as well as to create connections between research and education. The research programme is expected to create forcefull synergies between actors with complementary knowledge, competence and tasks. It can also serve as a platform for current research, and is expected to constitute a link to international research programmes.

According to the Swedish Research Council, the priority on research on migration and integration will entail some sort if research grants and can also lead to better conditions for research, for example through providing more in depth analysis or surveys. A strategic research agenda will be developed for the programme and the first version is planned to be ready in spring 2018. The first call for proposals will also be made during spring 2018.

More information (only in Swedish) at the Swedish Research Council and the Government Offices of Sweden.