
New honorary doctor


The Faculty of Education has appointed Professor Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont from the University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland honorary doctor for her significant contributions to the Faculty.

For several decades, Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont has maintained close contact with researchers and PhD students at the University of Gothenburg by inviting them to participate in her research in Neuchâtel. She has also organised seminars and symposia in which Gothenburg researchers have been involved, and has given seminars at the University of Gothenburg.

Professor Perret-Clermont is extensively published in the area of educational psychology, where she has explored topics such as IT and learning, cooperation and IT, social representations, argumentation and socio-materiality.

Influential publication

‘Professor Perret-Clermont has also played an important role more generally in European educational psychology by starting an influential publication and organising numerous international collaborations. Her ground-breaking work paves the path for new interpretations of human competence,’ says Roger Säljö, professor at Department of Education, Communication and Learning, in a comment.

The honorary doctorate was formally conferred at the University’s conferment of doctoral degrees ceremony in October.