
New book maps research infrastructure for the humanities

A newly released anthology provides a first comprehensive overview of the European research infrastructure CLARIN, covering everything from the technology behind the infrastructure and the use of its language technology resources in various research projects, to the challenges the organization has faced and will face in the future. Mats Fridlund and Daniel Brodén at the Centre for Digital Humanities have contributed

Their work began three years ago, when Mats Fridlund was contacted by Lars Borin and Daniel Brodén, both active within Swe-Clarin, which is the Swedish CLARIN node.

Book cover

"Swe-Clarin initiates pilot projects to increase the use among researchers in humanities and social science. They asked me what Swe-Clarin could do to support my research on the history of terrorism", says Mats Fridlund, researcher and deputy director at the Centre for Digital Humanities.

This resulted in a collaboration on using Språkbanken Text’s corpus linguistic tools and methods to study the Swedish and Finnish daily press discourse on terrorism.

"The result was the first 'bilingual' study of the rise of terrorism as a new political phenomenon in the Nordics, something that we could not foresee when we started our collaboration", says Mats Fridlund.

The anthology's concluding chapter is co-written by Mats Fridlund and Daniel Brodén, researchers at the Centre for Digital Humanities, together with Lars Borin and Leif-Jöran Olsson at Språkbanken Text at the University of Gothenburg, as well as two researchers at the University of Helsinki.


CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) is an actor in the field of research infrastructures for the humanities.

The book is available for purchase and download here