
Mobile application for hazardous chemicals

In a news article from 20 September, the Swedish Chemicals Agency reports about a new cooperation within the European Union is about develop a mobile application to inform about hazardous chemicals in goods. Through the app the consumers will easily be able to access information whether the goods contains hazardous substances, and will be able to ask questions to the suppliers. The co-operation involves authorities and organisations from 13 EU countries.

The Swedish Chemicals Agency and Sveriges konsumenter (Swedish Consumers) are the Swedish members in the group.

– We wanted to make it easier for the consumer to know if the goods contain hazardous substances. By collection the information in a mobile application it will be easier to make chemically correct choices when you go shopping, says Lisa Anfält, head of a unit at Kemikalieinspektionen.

There are currently a candidate list of substances where the EU member states put up substances that is considered especially harmful. Up to date the list contains 174 substances that is carcinogenic, endocrine disrupters or persistent in the environment. The European chemical legislation act Reach demands that companies give information to suppliers about especially hazardous substances.

The project is funded by EU:s environmental program Life and will take place during five years, September 2017 to August 2022.

Read more on the Swedish Chemicals Agency website (In Swedish): New EU collaboration on mobile app with information on hazardous chemicals