
Masters students in Innovation receive Sten A Olsson Foundation scholarship for 2014


The Sten A Olsson Foundation yearly assigns 1 000 000 SEK towards scholarships to master’s students during their thesis writing. The scholarship allows students to visit international universities and to create their own international network whilst working on a research based master thesis. The recipients of the scholarship should operate within the foundation’s prioritized research areas, Culture and Health as well as Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

This year two of the scholarships went to students from the Innovation and Industrial Management programme.

Robin Wiberg and Mathias Andersson are during spring of 2014 traveling to China and Zhejiang University to assess how innovations within business models are received and legitimized within a company.

Simon Adolfsson and Peter Rohn are during spring of 2014 traveling to Switzerland and the University of St Gallen to assess how well venture capitalists time exiting their investments through stock market introductions in relation to the current market situation (stock-market value at introduction).