
Focus on inclusive tourism at the Tourism Symposium 2016


The Center for Tourism’s yearly symposium was held at the School of Business, Economics and Law, at the University of Gothenburg on 14 and 15 April, and gathered more than 30 researchers and corporate actors from 9 different countries. The symposium was organized by the Unit of Human geography (Department of Economy and Society) and Center for Tourism (Department of Business Administration).

The theme of the symposium was inclusive tourism. An enduring criticism of tourism relates to its exclusive nature as it creates opportunities for the privileged to enjoy "other" places, with limited return for the people living in those places. Also the possibility to make a profit on tourism is centered around large corporations. During this conference that critique was addressed by asking: how can tourism development be more inclusive? How can marginalized and economically disadvantaged groups be involved in both the production of tourism as well as distribution of profits from tourism?

During the two days inclusive tourism and sustainable development based on their social, economic and ecological dimensions were discussed. A variety of different perspectives and angles could be presented and discussed, thanks to the participants’ different backgrounds and experiences. Keynote Speakers were three leading researchers within the field: Professor Wineaster Anderson, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Professor Dianne Dredge, Aalborg University and Professor Regina Scheyvens, Massey University, Nya Zeeland.

Picture of speakersPhoto: Tanja Voulgaridou

During the symposium the participants also had the opportunity to visit Tikitut Community-based tourism in the suburb of Angered. Tikitut is a social enterprise that shows a Gothenburg way from the traditional tourist trails. Here the participants cooked and enjoyed a meal together.