
Doctoral thesis award to conservationist Kristina Linscott


The Faculty of Science’s 2018 Doctoral Thesis Award goes to Kristina Linscott at the Department of Conservation. By combining different building archaeological methods of examination with architectural analyses and precis dendrochronologic empirical evidence, Kristina Linscott has revitalised her research field with new knowledge of medieval church architecture.

Church buildings from the 12th century are an important archaeological source material for interpreting the architecture since specific written source material is lacking from this period. Kristina Linscott’s doctoral thesis focuses heavily on the attics of churches, with their well-preserved roof constructions.
“The attics are barely researched, rarely visited and almost completely intact. The five studied attics are the study’s ‘archaeological digs’ even if they are high above ground level,” says Kristina Linscott.

The timber in the five church roofs are dated using dendrochronology, a scientific method where tree rings and their varying annual growth are analysed. For this reason, researches know with certainty that the trees in all five roofs were taken from fine-ringed forests in Västergötland between 1134 and 1160.
“The beams have held up the roof for over 850 years and are still in place. That several so old, largely same-aged timber constructions from the same region have survived well preserved is unique both in Sweden and the rest of Europe.”

The explanatory statement for the doctoral thesis award:

“Kristina Linscott has increased our understanding of medieval church architecture in a well written doctoral thesis that combines building archaeological methods of examination with architectural analyses and precise dendrochronologic empirical evidence. The focus is on five 12th-century churches in Västergötland. Their roof constructions offer important clues to church construction work from an era that is largely lacking written sources. The doctoral thesis is a shining example of how collaboration between multiple sciences can revitalise a research field and particularly how humanities and natural science perspectives can meet in a fruitful way.”

The Faculty of Science’s Award for best doctoral thesis is awarded for successful and innovative research that is presented in a well-written thesis. The author receives a diploma and an award.