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Challenges and possibilities of Gender Studies at g22 in Karlstad


Soon its time for g22 - the national conference for gender research in Sweden. The g-conference is the largest gender research conference in Sweden and an important meeting place for the Swedish community of gender scholars. The Secretariat for Gender Research participates with, among others, a presentation of a new study on the career paths of researchers with a PhD in Gender Studies and subject integrated gender researchers.

The 26th to the 28th of October 2022 the Center for Gender Research at Karlstad University is hosting the g22 conference Shaping hopeful futures in times of uncertainty: The challenges and possibilities of gender studies.

Several researchers and analysts from the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research will participate. During the first day, the Secretariat co-organises a panel discussion about solidarity with threatened researchers, together with Scholars at Risk, the Subject Association for Gender Studies and the Swedish Association for Gender Researchers.

Ulrika Jansson, researcher, senior analyst and coordinator for the Secretariat's focus area "A sustainable working life", will chair two sessions at the conference under the theme ”Gender, work and place”, together with Lena Grip, Karlstad University and Alma Persson, Linköping University. Kajsa Widegren, researcher and senior analyst, and Susanna Young Håkansson, analyst will present results from a new study about the career paths for researchers with a PhD in Gender Studies and subject integrated gender researchers.

- We will mainly present results from the survey addressed to researchers with a PhD in Gender Studies. Apart from a previous study on the future of Gender Studies students, this is the first study on researchers within this relatively new academic field in Sweden, says Kajsa Widegren.

The study shows that researchers with a PhD in Gender Studies face roughly the same difficulties in their career paths as researchers generally do in academia, compared to previous more extensive surveys that, among others, UKÄ, the University Chancellor's Office, has carried out.

- There are no major differences for this group compared to how the conditions appear within the academy in general, which indicates that it is to do with the university structures themselves. Specific to Gender Studies, however, is that it´s difficult to predict whether you can get a job in your subject, because there are so few environments and few permanent positions. Another interesting result is that approximately half of the researchers with a PhD in Gender Studies receive associate professorships in gender studies, while half become associate professors in other academic fields, says Kajsa Widegren.

G22 is the fifth national conference for gender research in Sweden, within the concept of the g-conference. The Subject Association for Gender Studies (ÄG) is responsible for ensuring that the g-conferences will be organised, this time by the Center for Gender Research at Karlstad University. This year's conference theme has a particular focus on time and history as analytical categories and emphasizes inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives. The theme alludes to raising the challenges of gender research, but also the opportunities to contribute to improved societal development, as the multifaceted, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research subject it constitutes, says Johanna Sjöstedt, coordinator of the conference.

- The g-conference is the largest forum for Gender Studies and researchers working with a gender perspective. Many researchers have not met for a long time due to the pandemic of covid19, so now it is important to reconnect, develop collaborations and create new research strategies, says Johanna Sjöstedt, adjunct lecturer and project coordinator at the Center for Gender Research, Karlstad University.

Read more about the g22 conference and register: g22 Center for Gender Research, Karlstad University

Read more about the study on career paths for researchers with a PhD in Gender Studies and subject integrated gender researchers: Conditions and career paths for gender researchers

Read more about the sessions at g22 within the theme Gender, work and place (in Swedish): Genus, arbete och plats
