
CGM researchers receive grants for migration research from Forte


We are happy to announce that no less than three research projects connected to CGM have received grants from Forte’s Annual open call 2018.

Ingrid Höjer, Department of Social work, Oksana Shmulyar Gréen, Department of Sociology and Work Science and Charlotte Melander, Department of Social work received funding for the project "Transnational childhoods: building of significant relationships among Polish and Romanian migrant children after reunification with parents in Sweden".

Gabriella Elgenius, Department of Sociology and Work Science, together with Dr. Magda Borkowska,University of Essex, UK; Dr. Juta Kawalerowicz, Linköping University and Professor Jenny Phillimore, Birmingham University, UK, received funding for the project "The role of civil society in supporting migrants’ labour market participation in diverse areas: A comparative study of Sweden and the United Kingdom".

Anja K Franck, School of Global Studies and Andrea Spehar, Director of CGM, also working at the Department of Political Science, received funding for the project "Employer-sponsorship, temporality and deportability: Investigating the room to maneuver of asylum seekers in the Swedish labor market".
You can read an interview with Anja K Frank about the project here (in Swedish).

Forte, short for Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare granted SEK 318 million in research funding to 92 research projects, out of which SEK 73 million was granted to 20 different research projects at the University of Gothenburg. This year Forte received a total of 1 093 applications.

You can read more about the call results at Forte's website.

Links to more information about each project will be up shortly.