
Book chapter: Edström, M. ; Svensson, E-M. (2016). Trust and values for sale. Market-Driven and Democracy-driven Freedom of Expression


Book chapter: Edström, M. ; Svensson, E-M. (2016). Trust and values for sale. Market-Driven and Democracy-driven Freedom of Expression, In Carlsson, U. (Ed.) Freedom of Expression and Media in Transition. Studies and Reflections in the Digital Age, s. 67-74. Göteborg: Nordicom.


In the common search to safeguard freedom of expression, one aspect has been less discussed than others, commercial influences on free speech. The important distinction between journalism and advertising, emphasized in both legislation and self-regulation, is perceived as a necessary condition for trust and legitimacy for media. This trust is being challenged by new types of content, such as native advertising. Values are also at risk, one example is the reluctance towards limiting gender stereotyping in advertising. The changing media landscape and the different positions and arguments can be analysed by using the conceptual distinction between market-driven and democracy-driven freedom of expression.