
A party with toxic cocktails? - FRAM at Almedalsveckan

A party with toxic cocktails? How hazardous are chemical mixtures and what can we do about it? FRAM hosts a seminar at Almedalsveckan in Visby on the 8th of July 12-13 at Västsvenska arenan.

We find hundreds of toxic chemicals in our environment, our water, even our blood. What do we know about the hazard of these chemical cocktails? And what can we do about it? Let’s discuss with academia, industry, civil society and politicians on how to move forward towards a non-toxic environment.

The Almedalen week in Visby on Gotland is Sweden’s biggest political meeting place which, via democracy and openness, gives everyone who wants to debate social issues the opportunity to take part. The openness and accessibility are unique both for Sweden and for the rest of the world.

You can read more about the FRAM seminar in Almedalen here.