
3 SCCR researchers receive grants from Swedish Research Council


In the Swedish Research Council's major call for medicine and health research proposals 2020, researchers at University of Gothenburg receive a total of SEK 150 million. Among these are three researchers at Sahlgrenska Center for Cancer Reserch; Fredrik Bergh Thorén, Anna Martner and Roger Olofsson Bagge.

Fredrik Bergh Thorén, Anna Martner and Roger Olofsson Bagge, who are all research group leaders at Sahlgrenska Center for Cancer Research, have been awarded research funds from the Swedish Research Council's major call for medicine and health research proposals 2020.

Fredrik Bergh Thorén receives SEK 4,8 million for his project, which will investigate the importance of natural killer (NK) cells in myeloid leukemias. Anna Martner receives SEK 2,4 million for her project within translational studies of the NOX2 enzyme in cancer.

Roger Olofsson Bagge is instead awarded a starting grant of SEK 6 million for a translational research strategy, which involves two new randomized studies.

Read the full article at Akademiliv.