Street art on wall framed by nature
Photo: Jacob Kimvall

Street art perplexions: a panel discussion on value, conservation, policy and education

Sustainability and environment
Culture and languages
Society and economy
Education and learning

There is growing international recognition of the importance of developing methods and approaches to the conservation of street art and the multitude of materials used by artists for their public creations. Studies have demonstrated the often extremely ephemeral nature of pigments and binding media used in the production of street art, and recent studies have focused on testing of materials to address specific degradation phenomena. Conservation aims to document condition, understand artistic process and conserve wall paintings in situ. This panel will bring together experts from Sweden and abroad to discuss the role of art history, policy, education and the development of the conservation profession for the preservation of street art.

7 May 2021
15:00 - 17:00
Zoom link: https://guse. cXNiMk9ZejMxcVM0cFVaUT09

Good to know
Open event, join via Zoom link: https://guse.
CCHS/Heritage and Science

• Jacob Kimvall (University of Stockholm): The creation, listing and unlisting of the graffiti mural Fascinate (1989)
• Henrik Widmark (University of Uppsala): Loving the team – The thin line between autonomous expressions and janitorial work
• Hélène Svahn Garreau (Tyrens): Approaches to conserving public art
• Catherine Mellander Backman (Swedish National Heritage Board): Public Art and Conservation Policy
• Adrian Heritage (Cologne University of Applied Sciences): It's Like Talkin to a Wall
• Maria Chatzidakis (University of West Attica): Street art conservation: from the kindness of strangers to a conservation policy

Moderated by
Stavroula Golfomitsou (University of Gothenburg)
& Austin Nevin (Courtauld Institute of Art)


Hosted by:
Centre for Critical Heritage Studies, University of Gothenburg
FOU project: A critical examination of the conservation of Wall Paintings in Sweden funded by the Swedish National Heritage Board