
QoG lunch seminar with Hyeon-Suk Lyu

Society and economy

"A Study on Civil Service Capacity Development Reflecting the Quality of Government in New Southern Countries"

17 Nov 2021
12:00 - 13:00
This seminar will take place via zoom

Hyeon-Suk Lyu, Center for Public Safety and Integration, Korea Institute of Public Administration
Good to know
The QoG institute regularly organizes seminars related to research on Quality of Government, broadly defined as trustworthy, reliable, impartial, uncorrupted and competent government institutions.

All seminars are held in English unless stated otherwise.
The Quality of Government institute


Despite the growing body of literature on quality of government (QoG), little research applying the understanding of QoG to designing civil service training programs has been conducted. By understanding the capacity development of civil services as a key agent of national development, this study explores the nexus between the QoG of Southeast Asian countries and the effectiveness of civil service training. Using a survey of Southeast Asian countries’ civil servants who have previously participated in or are currently participating in the capacity development programs organized by Korean training agencies, this study examines trainees’ perceived level of QoG, the capacity needs for their civil services, and the limitations and improvements of the existing capacity development programs. We believe that this study offers an understanding of the association of QoG and the effectiveness of ODA training programs for civil servants of developing countries and provides policy recommendations for future civil servants training programs.