
Controlling hazardous chemicals in Sweden – lessons for European chemical policy?

Sustainability and environment
Society and economy

Sweden developed early an chemicals policy where the principles also became guiding for the work within the EU after joining in 1995. What has the interaction between the national and European levels looked like, and what are the explanatory factors for the impact Sweden has had in the EU in this area? Mats Engström discusses this based on his report "Sweden, the EU membership and the control of hazardous chemicals".

11 Nov 2021
15:00 - 16:00
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Mats Engström, Senior Advisor from the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS)
Good to know
Time zone: CET

Porträtt av Mats Engström
Listen to Mats Engström when he talks about Sweden's chemicals policy and the interaction between the national and European levels.
Photo: Privat

Mats Engström is affiliated with the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (Sieps) and the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP). He has previously, among other things, been head of the Ministry of the Environment's international unit.

Read his report: Sweden, the EU membership, and the control of hazardous chemicals [In Swedish with English summary]