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- Ulrika Wolff
Ulrika Wolff
Department of Education and Special EducationAbout Ulrika Wolff
Research interests My research interest focuses primarily on dyslexia, early reading and cognitive abilities related to reading, such as phonological ability. I have conducted intervention studies to understand the educational efforts that most benefit students with reading and writing difficulties. In studies aimed at preschool children it is interesting to understand the verbal and non-verbal abilities that are critical and affect early reading acquisition, and how these skills interact over time. Currently, an early phonological training intervention is carried out within a longitudinal design, with the aim to study the effects of the training on early reading development. Moreover, a new vocabulary intervention is being designed, which will be carried out in Grade 2 including about 600 pupils.
Teaching interests I prefer to teach about reading research and dyslexia, and about the educational consequences of dyslexia and other reading related difficulties. Also, I have a special interest in quantitative data analysis and measurement methods.
Keywords dyslexia, phonological awareness, reading, reading and writing difficulties
Challenging the stability of RAN development: Acknowledging PA and Gf in relation to
Ulrika Wolff, Malena Åvall, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Dyslexia - 2023 -
Early phonological training preceding kindergarten training: effects on reading and
Ulrika Wolff, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Reading and Writing - 2022 -
Ulrika Wolff
Dyslexi- aktuellt om läs- och skrivsvårigheter - 2021 -
Prevention och intervention för att motverka
Ulrika Wolff
Specialpedagogik för lärare - 2021 -
Reasoning about Representations: Effects of an Early Math
Görel Sterner, Ulrika Wolff, Ola Helenius
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2020 -
Effekter av tidig fonologisk
Ulrika Wolff
Dyslexi- aktuellt om läs- och skrivsvårigheter - 2020 -
Rapid automatized naming in a developmental perspective between ages 4 and
Malena Åvall, Ulrika Wolff, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Dyslexia - 2019 -
Preliminary Results from a Structured Vocabulary
Sara Sjödin, Ulrika Wolff
Paper presented at the ECER conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, August 22-25 2017 - 2017 -
Early phonological intervention: A longitudinal
Ulrika Wolff, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Paper presented at the ECER conference 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark, August 22-25 - 2017 -
Preliminära resultat från en randomiserad
Sara Sjödin, Ulrika Wolff
Svenska Dyslexistiftelsens åttonde nordiska kongress om dyslexipedagogik - 2017 -
Is Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) consistent over
Malena Åvall, Ulrika Wolff
Paper presented at the ECER conference 2017 in Copenhagen, Denmark, August 22-25. - 2017 -
En interventionsstudie för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter – en femårig
Ulrika Wolff
Svenska Dyslexistiftelsens åttonde nordiska kongress om dyslexipedagogik - 2017 -
Effekter av tidig fonologisk träning – en longitudinell studie från 4–10
Ulrika Wolff
Key-note vid Svenska Dyslexistiftelsens åttonde nordiska kongress om dyslexipedagogik - 2017 -
Åtgärdsgarantin för läsning, skrivning och
Ulrika Wolff
Dyslexi- aktuellt om läs- och skrivsvårigheter - 2017 -
Monica Rosén, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Ulrika Wolff
Cognitive Abilities and Educational Outcomes. A Festschrift in Honour of Jan-Eric Gustafsson - 2017 -
Cognitive Abilities and Educational Outcomes. A Festschrift in Honour of Jan-Eric
Monica Rosén, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Ulrika Wolff
2017 -
Fonologisk medvetenhet vid fyra års
Ulrika Wolff
Dyslexi - aktuellt om läs- och skrivsvårigheter - 2016 -
Is Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) consistent over
Malena Åvall, Ulrika Wolff
Interactive poster presented at the BDA conference 2016 in Oxford, UK, March 10-12. - 2016 -
Effects of a randomised reading intervention: a 5-year
Ulrika Wolff
Paper presented at the BDA conference 2016 in Oxford, UK, March 10-12 - 2016 -
Effects of an early phonological training study: a latent growth curve
Ulrika Wolff, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Paper presented at the BDA conference 2016 in Oxford, UK, March 10-12 - 2016 -
Assessments and intervention for pupils with reading difficulties in Sweden - A text analyses of individual education
Ingela Andreasson, Ulrika Wolff
International Journal of Special Education - 2015 -
Structure of phonological ability at age
Ulrika Wolff, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Intelligence - 2015 -
WIP, Individuell lästräning med fokus på
Ulrika Wolff
2015 -
Effects of a randomised reading intervention study aimed at 9-year olds: a 5-years
Ulrika Wolff
The EARLI Conference 2015 in Limassol, Cyprus, August 25-29 - 2015 -
Structure of phonological ability at age
Ulrika Wolff, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
The ECER Conference 2015 in Budapest, Hungary, September 8-11 - 2015 -
Kan RAN predicera
Ulrika Wolff
Dyslexi- aktuellt om läs- och skrivsvårigheter - 2015 -
Measuring fluid intelligence at age
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Ulrika Wolff
Intelligence - 2015 -
Effects of early phonological training on reading acquisition: an application of structural equation
Ulrika Wolff
The British Dyslexia Association Conference 2014 in Guildford, UK, April - 2014 -
Differential effects of early phonological training as a function of the child’s socio-economic
Ulrika Wolff, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Paper presented at the ECER conference 2014 in Porto, Portugal, September 2-5 - 2014 -
RAN as a predictor of reading skills, and vice versa: results from a randomised reading
Ulrika Wolff
Annals of Dyslexia - 2014 -
Övning ger
Ulrika Wolff
Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds Årsbok 2013 - 2013 -
Long-term effects of a randomised reading intervention study: the role of RAN and phoneme
Ulrika Wolff
Paper presented at the 15th Biennial Conference, European Association for Research and Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Munich - 2013 -
Textanalys av åtgärdsprogram för elever med läs- och
Ingela Andreasson, Ulrika Wolff, Malena Åvall
Paper presented at the 4th All-European Dyslexia Conference, European Dyslexia Association (EDA), Växjö, Sweden - 2013 -
Betydelsen av lärares kunskaper om språkets uppbyggnad för upprättandet av åtgärdsprogram för elever med läs- och
Ulrika Wolff, Ingela Andreasson, Malena Åvall
Paper presented at the 4th All-European Dyslexia Conference, European Dyslexia Association (EDA), Växjö, Sweden - 2013 -
Tidig fonologisk
Ulrika Wolff
Paper presented at the 4th All-European Dyslexia Conference, European Dyslexia Association (EDA), Växjö, Sweden - 2013 -
Betydelsen av läsflyt på
Malena Åvall, Ulrika Wolff
Paper presented at the 4th All-European Dyslexia Conference, European Dyslexia Association (EDA), Växjö, Sweden - 2013 -
Mechanisms behind emergent phonological skills: Effects of fluid intelligence and interrelationships between phonological subskills over
Ulrika Wolff, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
The International Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia, Basque Centre on Cognition, Brain and Language - 2013 -
Long term effects of a phonological training study on early reading
Ulrika Wolff, Jan-Eric Gustafsson
Paper presented at the 15th Biennial Conference, European Association for Research and Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Munich - 2013 -
MiniDUVAN. Test av fonologisk medvetenhet hos
Ulrika Wolff
2013 -
Ord, ord, ord. Arbeta aktivt och strukturerat med
Ulrika Wolff
2012 -
Dyslexi – en pedagogisk
Ulrika Wolff
Dysleksi – en fælles nordisk udfordring - 2012 -
Ökad kompetens om skriftspråksutveckling genom samarbete mellan skola och
Ulrika Wolff
Dyslexi- aktuellt om läs- och skrivsvårigheter - 2011 -
Ökad kompetens om skriftspråksutveckling genom samarbete mellan skola och
Ulrika Wolff
Dyslexi, aktuellt om läs- och skrivsvårigheter - 2011 -
Effects of a randomised reading intervention study: an application of structural equation
Ulrika Wolff
Dyslexia: An International Journal of Research and Practice - 2011 -
Long term treatment, teacher and gender effects of a randomised reading intervention study: an application of structural equation
Ulrika Wolff
British Dyslexia Association's 9th International Conference - 2011 -
RAFT - en interventionsstudie för nioåringar med läs- och
Ulrika Wolff
Dyslexi, aktuellt om läs- och skrivsvårigheter - 2010 -
Dyslexi och tidspress - en
Ulrika Wolff
Elevhälsa - 2010 -
Long term effects of a randomised reading intervention study on accuracy, speed and comprehension: An application of structural equation
Ulrika Wolff
Society of Scientific Studies of Reading - 2010 -
Testbatteri för diagnos av dyslexi/läs- och skrivsvårigheter inom gymnasia- och
Ulrika Wolff
Elevhälsa - 2010 -
Subgrouping of readers based on performance measures: A latent profile
Ulrika Wolff
Reading and writing - 2010 -
Lilla DUVAN: Dyslexiscreening för årskurs 3, 5 och
Ulrika Wolff
2010 -
Artistic talents and dyslexia: A genuine
Ulrika Wolff
Dyslexia and creativity: Investigation from differing perspectives - 2010 -
Phonological and surface subtypes among university students with
Ulrika Wolff
International journal of disability, development and education - 2009 -
Subgrupper av
Ulrika Wolff
Dyslexi och andra svårigheter med skriftspråket - 2009 -
Intensive reading intervention aimed at 9-year-olds. Preliminary
Ulrika Wolff
The 13th Biennal Conference, EARLI - 2009 -
Subgrupper av
Ulrika Wolff
Dyslexi och andra svårigheter med skriftspråket. [Dyslexia and other reading difficulties.] - 2009 -
Phonological and surface subtypes among university students with
Ulrika Wolff
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education - 2009 -
Undergrupper av dåliga
Ulrika Wolff
Den fjärde nordiska utbildningshistoriska konferensen, 2008 - 2008 -
Preliminary results from a reading intervention study aimed at
Ulrika Wolff
Paper presented at British Dyslexia Association’s Congress, Harrogate. - 2008 -
Congress report from the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading's fourteenth annual meeting. Dyslexi- aktutellt om läs- och skrivsvårigehter,
Ulrika Wolff
2007 -
Olika lässvårigheter kräver pedagogiska
Ulrika Wolff
Dyslexi - aktuellt om läs- och skrivsvårigheter - 2006 -
Att studera med dyslexi. Rapport skriven på uppdrag av Göteborgs
Ulrika Wolff
2006 -
Olika lässvårigheter kräver olika pedagogiska insatser. Dyslexi- aktuellt om läs- och skrivsvårigheter, 1,
Ulrika Wolff
2006 -
Reading in the rockies. En rapport från IDA:s interantionella konferens, 2005. Dyslexi- aktuellt om läs- och skrivsvårigheter, 1,
Ulrika Wolff
2006 -
Att studera med dyslexi. Rapport skriven på uppdrag av Göteborgs
Ulrika Wolff
2006 -
Forskellige laesevansker kraever forskellige paedagogiske
Ulrika Wolff
Nyt om Ordblindhed - 2005 -
Compensated adults with dyslexia still have phonological
Ulrika Wolff
The 11th Biennal Conference, EARLI - 2005 -
Characteristics and varieties of poor
Ulrika Wolff
2005 -
Subgrouping of poor readers based on the IEA-studies of
Ulrika Wolff
The International Dyslexia Association, Annual meeting in Denver 2005 - 2005 -
Compensated adults with dyslexia still have phonological problems. Paper presented at the 11th Biennial Conference, European Association for Research and Learning and Instruction (EARLI)
Ulrika Wolff
Paper presented at the 11th Biennial Conference, European Association for Research and Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2005 - 2005 -
Forskellige laesevanskligheder kraever forskellige paedagogiske tiltag. Nyt om Ordblindhed, 46,
Ulrika Wolff
2005 -
The sixth BDA interantional conference. Dyslexi aktuellt om läs- och skrivsvårigheter, 3,
Ulrika Wolff
2004 -
Dyslexi och
Ulrika Wolff
Dyslexi - aktuellt om läs- och skrivsvårigheter - 2003 -
DUVAN, Dyslexiscreening för ungdomar och
Ulrika Wolff, Ingvar Lundberg
2003 -
A technique for group screening of dyslexia among
Ulrika Wolff, Ingvar Lundberg
Annals of Dyslexia - 2003 -
A technique for group screening of dyslexia among
Ulrika Wolff, Ingvar Lundberg
Annals of Dyslexia - 2003 -
Dyslexi och tidspress [Dyslexia and time
Ulrika Wolff
Dyslexi- aktuellt om läs- och skrivsvårigheter, - 2003 -
The prevalence of dyslexia among art
Ulrika Wolff, Ingvar Lundberg
Dyslexia, - 2002 -
Testbatteri för diagnos av dyslexi/läs- och skrivsvårigheter inom gymnasie- och
Ulrika Wolff
Dyslexi- aktuellt om läs- och skrivsvårigheter - 2002 -
Dyslexia and artistic talents- is there a
Ulrika Wolff
British Dyslexia Associations 5th International Conference, York - 2001