
Sara Rebecka Stenkvist

Senior Lecturer

Linguistics and Theory of Science unit
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 6
41255 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 200
40530 Göteborg

About Sara Rebecka Stenkvist

Employed as a PhD candidate at JMG since September 2016. Have a background working as a teacher in Swedish and History and then master studies in Communication for government and public office. Earlier studies include Pedagogy, Litterature, Swedish and History, Social Antrophology, International Relations, Critical Exhibition Studies and Creative Writing. Have several years experience working as a teacher for both adults and teenagers, and have experince working with communication and marketing at different cultural organazations.

Research Areas Strategic communication, branding and communication within govermental organizations.

Current Research Project Branding as a communication strategy in governmental organizations. What does the ”brand” stand for in different contexts and what has caused organizations to largely based their communication on their brand? How has organizations’ brand orientation changed over time and how does it vary across different kinds of organizations? What does an increasing focus on the brand entail for communication activities and what consequences does it have for other activities?

Teaching Courses in Strategic communication, PR and branding