
Peter Oreilly

Doctoral Student

Department of Sociology and Work Science
Visiting address
Skanstorget 18
41122 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 720
40530 Göteborg

About Peter Oreilly

Peter O'Reilly* is a PhD Student in Work Science, with a focus on employee well-being and office workspace design, since Autumn 2017.


Peter has a BA (hons) in Social Sciences, majoring in Psychology, from University of Leicester, an MSc. in Communication Science from University of Gothenburg with specialisation in Intercultural Communication and Nonverbal Behaviour, and an MSc. in Psychology from Lund University (including a Nordplus exchange with University of Copenhagen) with specialisation in Personality and Work & Organisational Psychlogy. He is also a graduate member of the British Psychological Society.

Between bachelor and masters' studies Peter gained many years' operational experience in Social Services and Housing Welfare Support within large public sector organisations in the UK, both as a practitioner and as a manager, working in a variety of institutional settings.

Current Research

Peter's PhD project investigates human-environment interaction and explores how office workspace design influences employee well-being. The role that biophilia, nature-based interventions, and personalization may play in office workspaces is also examined alongside a focus upon mixed methods being employed with applied aspirations.

*(please note that this is the correct surname spelling).