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- Lisa Åkesson
Lisa Åkesson
School of Global StudiesAbout Lisa Åkesson
I am a professor in social anthropology at the Department of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg. Through various research projects in the field of migration and diversity, I have gained long-term experience of ethnographic fieldwork in Cabo Verde, Angola, Mozambique and Sweden. I lecture and participate in public debates on issues related to international migration and diversity.
Areas of interest My research interests include different perspectives on migration, such as a everyday diversity practices in a postmigrant condition, postcolonial north-south migration and various aspects of transnational migration.
Presently, I focus on developing the concept of "postmigration", and its relevance for exploring contemporary diversity in Sweden. In previous projects, I have explored the contemporary Portuguese migration to the former colonies of Angola and Mozambique. I have examined how identities and power relations are affected by this new form of mobility and analysed the exchange of knowledge between the Portuguese migrants and the majority population. Another question has concerned the Portuguese' integration into the former colonies. Analytically, I have taken my starting point in post- and decolonial theory, but I have also been interested in critically moving beyond these approaches.
Over the years, my research has also been focused on various aspects of transnational migration. I have mainly investigated how labour migration affects people's living conditions in sending societies. In studies of “stayers” relationships with migrated family members in Europe and the United States, I have explored remittances, couple relationships, childcare and return. Critical analysis of international policy on migration and development is another of my research areas. Empirically, much of this research has revolved around Cabo Verde and the Cabo Verdean diaspora. As an anthropologist, I have worked with participant observation and for many years deepened my insights into what it means to live in a family and a nation that is spread out in the world.
Current research In my present research, I am interested in everyday diversity beyond essentialised categorisations and normative integration debates. In the project Everyday Practices of Integration (EPI), we assume that diversity is the new normal in Sweden. We examine how similarities and differences are practised and perceived in the everyday diversity in workplaces. I focus on a globalized workplace with highly educated employees in my part of the project. A primary purpose of the project is to question dominant notions of integration as "failed". More information about the project and its members can be found here https://www.gu.se/en/research/epi-everyday-practices-of-integration.
Teaching and tutoring Since the mid-1990s, I have taught a wide range of courses in anthropology and other fields. Between 2007 and 2009, I was the director of studies in anthropology. Since 2018, I have been the program manager for the doctoral program in anthropology at the Department of Global Studies.
I supervise at all levels, from bachelor's theses to doctoral dissertations.
Digitally Mobile Swedes and Their Experiences: A contribution to the De-Exceptionalisation of
Lisa Åkesson
Global Networks - 2025 -
The lyrics of hunger: Cabo Verdean music as a space for organic
Lisa Åkesson, Alícia Borges Månsson
Third World Quarterly - 2024 -
Civilising the Ex-Colonisers? Counter-Hegemonic Discourses at Workplaces in
Lisa Åkesson, Anette Hellman, Inês Raimundo, Cesaltina Matsinhe
Journal of Southern African Studies - 2022 -
Postcolonial mobility and keywords of migration: The Portuguese in
Lisa Åkesson
Etnográfica - 2022 -
European migration to Africa and the coloniality of knowledge: the Portuguese in
Lisa Åkesson
Third World Quarterly - 2021 -
Putting Swedish Anthropology to
Lisa Åkesson, Maris Boyd Gillette
kritisk etnografi - the Swedish Journal of Anthropology - 2020 -
Putting Swedish anthropology to
Lisa Åkesson, Maris Boyd Gillette
Kritisk etnografi: Swedish Journal of Anthropology - 2020 -
Putting Swedish anthropology to
Putting Swedish Anthropology to
Lisa Åkesson, Maris Boyd Gillette
kritisk etnografi: Swedish Journal of Anthropology - 2020 -
Brigitte Suter, Lisa Åkesson
Contemporary European Emigration: Situating Integration in New Destinations - 2020 -
Hybridity and Hegemony: The integration of Portuguese migrants in Luanda and
Lisa Åkesson
Contemporary European Emigration: Situating Integration in New Destinations - 2020 -
Contemporary European emigration: Situating integration in new
Suter Brigittte, Lisa Åkesson
2020 -
North-South mobility and the coloniality of knowledge: Portuguese migrants in
Lisa Åkesson
16th IMISCOE conference - 2019 -
North-South migration and the corrupt Other: Practices of bribery among Portuguese migrants in
Lisa Åkesson, Camilla Orjuela
Geopolitics - 2019 -
Portuguese Postcolonial Migration to Angola: Migrants or
Lisa Åkesson
2018 -
How Portuguese migrants in Angola navigate
Lisa Åkesson, Camilla Orjuela
The Conversation - 2017 -
Multi-sited accumulation of capital: Cape Verdean returnees and small-scale
Lisa Åkesson
Global Networks - 2016 -
Moving beyond the Colonial?: New Portuguese migrants in
Lisa Åkesson
Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines - 2016 -
Moving South: Understanding the development potential of the new Portuguese migration to
Lisa Åkesson
10 Years of International Migration Institute, Oxford 13-15 January - 2016 -
Postcolonial positions: Conceptualizing the Portuguese migrants
Lisa Åkesson
EASA biennial conference, Milano 20-23 July - 2016 -
Portuguese labour migrants in Angola: Postcolonial notions of
Lisa Åkesson
Nordic Africa Days, Uppsala 23-24 sept - 2016 -
Narrating São Tomé: Cape Verdean memories of contract labour in the Portuguese
Lisa Åkesson
Etnográfica - 2016 -
Arbetskraftsmigranter eller kolonisatörer? Portugisisk migration till Angola både bekräftar och utmanar
Lisa Åkesson
Internationella Studier - 2015 -
Obstacles and openings: Returnees and small-scale businesses in Cape
Lisa Åkesson
Åkesson L. & Eriksson Baaz M. (eds). Africa's return migrants: The new developers? - 2015 -
Lisa Åkesson, Maria Eriksson Baaz
Eriksson Baaz M. & Åkesson L. (eds). Africa's return migrants: The new developers? - 2015 -
Africa's return migrants: The new
Lisa Åkesson, Maria Eriksson Baaz
2015 -
Representations of changing post-colonial power relations in contemporary
Lisa Åkesson
6th European Conference on African Studies, Paris 8-10 juli - 2015 -
Moving beyond the colonial? The recent Portuguese migration to
Lisa Åkesson
Conferência Internacional “Regresso ao futuro: a nova emigração e a relação com a sociedade portuguesa”, Lisbon, Oct 23. - 2015 -
Remitteringar, invandringsrestriktioner och
Lisa Åkesson
Det dolda biståndet? Frågor och svar om migranters remitteringar. Andrea Monti, Veronica Nordlund (red.) - 2014 -
Na periferia da diaspora: A comunidade Cabo-Verdiana na
Lisa Åkesson
1st International Meeting of Cape Verdean Diaspora Associations, Lisbon May 3-4 - 2013 -
Narrating São Tomé: Cape Verdean memories of contract labour in the Portuguese
Lisa Åkesson
5th Euopean Conference on African Studies, Lisbon June 26-29 - 2013 -
Hot love and cold weather: The formation of the Cape Verdean community in
Lisa Åkesson
112th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago Nov 20-24 - 2013 -
The Queue Outside the Embassy: Remittances, Inequality and Restrictive Migration
Lisa Åkesson
International Migration - 2013 -
Migrant remittances and inequality in Cape
Lisa Åkesson
Colóquio Internacional Cabo Verde e Guiné-Bissau:Percursos do Saber e da Ciência. 21-23 de Junho de 2012 - 2012 -
Narratives of failure and success: Cape Verdean returnee
Lisa Åkesson
Nordic Africa Days, Reykjavík 18-19 October - 2012 -
O papel dos empresários cabo-verdianos retornados no processo do desenvolvimento de Cabo
Lisa Åkesson
1a Conferencia Internacional. Cabo Verde: Pais de emigracao e imigracao - 2012 -
Narrativos de sucesso insuccesso: Empresários cabo-verdianos
Lisa Åkesson
Colóquio Internacional Ciências Sociais em Cabo Verde: Quem somos e para onde vamos? Praia. - 2012 -
Mobility, moralities and motherhood: Navigating the contingencies of Cape Verdean
Lisa Åkesson, Jörgen Carling, Heike Drotbohm
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies - 2012 -
Making migrants responsible for development: Cape Verdean returnees and Northern migration
Lisa Åkesson
Africa Spectrum - 2011 -
Awkward engagement? Development, return and entrepreneurship in Cape
Lisa Åkesson
4th European Conference on African Studies, Uppsala 15-18 June - 2011 -
Relationer och remitteringar: Utbyte i transnationella kapverdeanska
Lisa Åkesson
Sveriges Antropologförbunds konferens, göteborg 13-15 maj - 2011 -
Remittances and relationships: Exchange in Cape Verdean transnational
Lisa Åkesson
Ethnos - 2011 -
Returning migrants and development: Contrasting policy and
Lisa Åkesson
Mirage or Miracle: Nordic Africa Institute Annual Report 2010 - 2011 -
Pengarna de skickar handlar om skyldigheter och
Lisa Åkesson
Tvärsnitt - 2011 -
Migrant remittances, social inequality and restrictive immigration
Lisa Åkesson
Nordic Africa Institute Policy Notes - 2011 -
Multicultural ideology and transnational family ties among descendants of Cape Verdeans in
Lisa Åkesson
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies - 2011 -
Cape Verdean notions of migrant
Lisa Åkesson
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos - 2010 -
Making returnees responsible for development: “Northern”. migration policies and the experiences of Cape Verdean return
Lisa Åkesson
Nordic Africa Days, Turku, 30 Sept – 1 Oct - 2010 -
Remittances and return in policy and
Lisa Åkesson
15th Nordic Migration Conference, Malmö, 25-27 Aug. - 2010 -
Människohandelns dubbla
Lisa Åkesson
Tidskriften Arena - 2010 -
Living the good life: Remittances, return and social mobility in Cape
Lisa Åkesson
3rd European Conference on African Studies, 3-7 June, Leipzig - 2009 -
Det finns mycket kvar att göra! Några reflektioner kring framtida imerforskning i
Lisa Åkesson
Olsson, E & A. Rabo (eds) Vem älskar imerforskning? En jubileumsskrift för CEIFO 2009 - 2009 -
Mobility at the heart of the nation: Patterns and meanings of Cape Verdean
Jörgen Carling, Lisa Åkesson
International Migration - 2009 -
Remittances and inequality in Cape Verde: The impact of changing family
Lisa Åkesson
Global Networks - 2009 -
Remittances, social inequality and transnational family organization: A Cape Verdean case
Lisa Åkesson
IMISCOE theory conference on diaspora and transnationalism, 10-11 April, European University, Florence - 2008 -
Money, morality and migrants: Cape Verdean notions of remittance
Lisa Åkesson
10th biannual EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists) association conference, 26-29 August, Ljubljana - 2008 -
''They are ungrateful!' Cape Verdean notions of transnational
Lisa Åkesson
Alto Comissariado para a Imigracao e Diálogo Intercultural (ed.) Comunidade(s) Cabo-Verdiana(s): As múltiplas faces da imigracao Cabo-Verdiana - 2008 -
Cape Verdeans in
Lisa Åkesson
L. Batalha & J.Carling (eds.), Transnational Archipelago: Perspectives on Cape Verdean migration and diaspora - 2008 -
The resilience of the Cape Verdean migration
Lisa Åkesson
L. Batalha & J. Carling (eds.), Transnational archipelago: Perspectives on Cape Verdean migration and diaspora - 2008 -
Svenskkapverdeaner: Nya generationer, förnyade
Lisa Åkesson
M. Eastmond & L. Åkesson (red.), Globala familjer: Transnationell migration och släktskap - 2007 -
L. Gilliam, K Fog Olwig & K Valentin (red) Lokale liv, fjerne
Lisa Åkesson
Tidskriftet antropologi - 2007 -
"Dom är otacksamma" Transnationella skyldigheter ur de kvarboendes
Lisa Åkesson
E. Olsson et al. (red.), Transnationella rum: Diaspora, migration och gränslöverskridande relationer - 2007 -
Transnationella rum: Diaspora, migration och gränsöverskridande
Erik Olsson, Catarina Lundqvist, Annika Rabo, Lena Sawyer, Östen Wahlbeck, Lisa Åkesson
2007 -
Marita Eastmond, Lisa Åkesson
M. Eastmond & L. Åkesson Globala familjer: Transnationell migration och släktskap - 2007 -
Globala familjer: Transnationell migration och
Marita Eastmond, Lisa Åkesson
2007 -
The resilience of the Cape Verdean migration
Lisa Åkesson
Conference on Cape Verdean Migration and Diaspora, Lisbon, April 6-8 - 2005 -
Mer om 'dom' än om
Lisa Åkesson
Göteborgs-Posten, 4 mars - 2005 -
Making a life: Meanings of migration in Cape
Lisa Åkesson
2004 -
Göteborg möter världen: En utvärdering av flyktingguideprojektet vid SDN
Lisa Åkesson
2004 -
Cape Verdean images of home and return: A dialogue between homeland and
Lisa Åkesson
American Anthroplogical Association 100th yearly meeting, Washington Nov 28-Dec 2 - 2001