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- Karl Mårild
Karl Mårild
Affiliated to Research
Department of PediatricsAbout Karl Mårild
Epidemiology and clinical manifestations of celiac disease and inflammatory bowel diseases
I am a pediatric gastroenterologist at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital and associate professor of Pediatrics at the Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy. I currently hold a half-time 4-year research position funded under the ALF-agreement; my research has also received funding from the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) and Swedish Society for Medical Research ("SSMF"), among others.
My research has foremost taken advantage of registers and large-scale cohorts of Nordic countries to examine early life risk factors for immune-mediated diseases (IMDs), initially for celiac disease and type 1 diabetes, and more recently inflammatory bowel diseases; these conditions share etiological and epidemiological traits, including a rising prevalence in past decades. I have also successfully studied the clinical consequences of celiac disease and inflammatory bowel diseases.
After my dissertation at Örebro University, I moved my research to Karolinska Institutet in 2012. Through international fellowships (2014-2017), I have since teamed with experienced epidemiologists from Nordic and U.S. research centers, some of who are partners in the projects described below.
Current work – International and national collaboration
My main research focus is to coordinate the Nordic birth cohort study PREVENT-IBD, which examines early-life environmental risk factors for Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). After a rising incidence over the past decades, IBD now affects 0.5% of Western populations, and is an emerging disease globally. There is ample evidence that the early life environment contributes to IBD, however the nature of such factors is poorly defined, which partly relates to a scarcity of sufficiently powered, prospective data from population-based cohorts. We will address these challenges by analyzing birth cohort data on some 135,000 children followed, from birth (1996-2009) throughout 2020, in the ABIS (Sweden), DNBC (Denmark) and MoBa (Norway) cohorts for development of IBD. If successful, knowledge gained from this unique data may be translated into preventive measures against IBD.
SICK – Serological Identification of Celiac disease in Kids – is a feasibility study of celiac screening in general pediatric outpatient clinics in the Gothenburg metropolitan area. Related to this research, I also examine the clinical management of celiac disease with the aim to provide evidence-based recommendations for its follow-up.
My research also includes LOGIC, a multipronged approach aimed at providing population-based, longitudinal data on growth before and after screening- respectively symptom-detected celiac disease. Impaired growth is a common manifestation of celiac disease. Therefore, knowledge gained from this project may through improved growth monitoring lead to earlier identification of the disease.
Finally, I am part of a large international collaboration (involving chiefly researchers from Karolinska Institutet, Columbia University and Harvard University) studying inflammatory bowel diseases and celiac disease epidemiology within the Swedish register- and histopathology-based ESPRESSO cohort.
Funding: The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), Swedish Society for Medical Research ("SSMF"), ALF Västra Götaland, Bengt Ihres fond, FoU Västra Götaland, Svenska Läkaresällskapet
Early-Life Infections, Antibiotics and Later Risk of Childhood and Early Adult-Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Pooled Analysis of Two Scandinavian Birth
Karl Mårild, Tereza Lerchova, Malin Östensson, Henrik Imberg, Ketil Stordal, Johnny Ludvigsson
Childhood Socioeconomic Characteristics and Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Scandinavian Birth Cohort
Ida Sigvardsson, Ketil Størdal, Malin Östensson, Annie Guo, Johnny Ludvigsson, Karl Mårild
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases - 2024 -
Early-Life Hygiene-Related Factors and Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Scandinavian Birth Cohort
Annie Guo, Malin Östensson, Ketil Størdal, Johnny Ludvigsson, Karl Mårild
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases - 2024 -
Associations of pregnancy dietary quality and diversity with childhood celiac
Elin M Hård Af Segerstad, Tiril Cecilie Borge, Annie Guo, Karl Mårild, Lars C Stene, Anne Lise Brantsæter, Ketil Størdal
The Journal of nutrition - 2024 -
Maternal diet in pregnancy and the risk of inflammatory bowel disease in the offspring: a prospective cohort
Annie Guo, Anne Lise Brantsæter, Tiril Cecilie Borge, Elin M Hård Af Segerstad, Henrik Imberg, Karl Mårild, Ketil Størdal
The American journal of clinical nutrition - 2024 -
Economic Burden of Eosinophilic Esophagitis: A Nationwide Cost-of-Illness
Soran R. Bozorg, Jonas Söderling, Karl Mårild, John J. Garber, Amiko Uchida, Martin Neovius, Jonas F. Ludvigsson, Åsa H. Everhov
The American journal of gastroenterology - 2024 -
Breastfeeding Duration Is Not Associated With Offspring Inflammatory Bowel Disease Risk in Three Population-Based Birth
Manasi Agrawal, Ketil Størdal, Anne Vinkel Hansen, Malin Östensson, Maiara Brusco De Freitas, Kristine H. Allin, Tine Jess, Johnny Ludvigsson, Karl Mårild
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology - 2024 -
The Economic Iceberg of Celiac Disease: More Than the Cost of Gluten-Free
Soran R. Bozorg, Anne R. Lee, Karl Mårild, Joseph A. Murray
Gastroenterology - 2024 -
Atopic Dermatitis in Early Childhood and Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Scandinavian Birth Cohort
Tereza Lerchova, Ketil Størdal, Björn Andersson, Johnny Ludvigsson, Karl Mårild
Journal of Pediatrics - 2024 -
Association Between Celiac Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Nationwide Cohort
Karl Mårild, Jonas Söderling, Benjamin Lebwohl, Peter H.R. Green, Hans Törnblom, Magnus Simrén, Kyle Staller, Ola Olén, Jonas F. Ludvigsson
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology - 2024 -
Early-Life Diet Diversity and the Subsequent Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Findings From Two Scandinavian Birth
Annie Guo, Johnny Ludvigsson, Elin M Hård Af Segerstad, Anne Lise Brantsæter, Björn Andersson, Ketil Størdal, Karl Mårild
Inflammatory bowel diseases - 2024 -
Association Between Maternal Infections in Pregnancy and the Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the Offspring: Findings From Two Scandinavian Birth
Annie Guo, Johnny Ludvigsson, Tereza Lerchova, Henrik Imberg, Ketil Størdal, Karl Mårild
Inflammatory bowel diseases - 2024 -
Tobacco Smoke Exposure in Early Childhood and Later Risk of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Scandinavian Birth Cohort
Ida Sigvardsson, Johnny Ludvigsson, Bjorn Andersson, Ketil Stordal, Karl Mårild
Histologic Remission in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Female Fertility: A Nationwide
Karl Mårild, Jonas Soderling, Olof Stephansson, Jordan Axelrad, Jonas Halfvarson, Gabriella Broms, Jan Marsal, Ola Olen, Jonas F. Ludvigsson
Histologic Activity in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Risk of Serious Infections: A Nationwide
Karl Mårild, Jonas Söderling, Jordan Axelrad, Jonas Halfvarson, Anders Forss, Malin Olsson, Pär Myrelid, Henrik Hjortswang, Jonas Bengtsson, Hans Strid, Marie Andersson, Susanna Jäghult, Michael Eberhardson, Caroline Nordenvall, Jan Björk, Martin Rejler, Olof Grip, Ulrika L. Fagerberg, Pontus Karling, Ola Olén, Jonas F. Ludvigsson
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology - 2024 -
Early-life diet and risk of inflammatory bowel disease: a pooled study in two Scandinavian birth
Annie Guo, Johnny Ludvigsson, Anne Lise Brantsæter, Sofia Klingberg, Malin Östensson, Ketil Størdal, Karl Mårild
Gut - 2024 -
Lack of Follow-Up for Celiac Disease During Childhood Not Associated With Poor Health Outcomes: A Regional Swedish Cohort
Maria Ulnes, Henrik Albrektsson, Ketil Størdal, Robert Saalman, Jonas F. Ludvigsson, Karl Mårild
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition - 2023 -
Physical activity in childhood and later risk of inflammatory bowel disease: A Scandinavian birth cohort
Tereza Lerchova, Malin Östensson, Ida Sigvardsson, Ketil Størdal, Annie Guo, Karl Mårild, Johnny Ludvigsson
United European gastroenterology journal - 2023 -
Epidemiology, validation, and clinical characteristics of inflammatory bowel disease: the ABIS birth cohort
Malin Östensson, Olle Björkqvist, Annie Guo, Ketil Størdal, Jonas Halfvarson, Karl Mårild, Johnny Ludvigsson
BMC gastroenterology - 2023 -
Coronavirus disease 2019 and gastrointestinal disorders in
A. R. Tjernberg, P. Malmborg, Karl Mårild
Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology - 2023 -
Use of proton pump inhibitors in scandinavian children and adolescents: An observational
E. R. Closs, Karl Mårild, R. G. Nielsen, K. Stordal
Frontiers in Pediatrics - 2023 -
Regional Swedish study found that one in seven coeliac patients experienced loss of follow up during
Maria Ulnes, Henrik Albrektsson, Ketil Størdal, Robert Saalman, Jonas F Ludvigsson, Karl Mårild
Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992) - 2023 -
Celiac Disease and Serious Infections: A Nationwide Cohort Study From 2002 to
Anna Röckert Tjernberg, Karl Mårild, Jonas Söderling, Benjamin Lebwohl, Bjorn Roelstraete, Jonas Bonnedahl, Peter H.R. Green, Jonas F. Ludvigsson
The American journal of gastroenterology - 2022 -
Utilization and Effectiveness of eHealth Technology in the Follow-up of Celiac Disease: A Systematic
Alice Loft Månsson, C. Meijer-Boekel, Karl Mårild
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition - 2022 -
Proton pump inhibitors for infants in three Scandinavian countries increased from 2007 to 2020 despite international
M. Lyamouri, Karl Mårild, R. G. Nielsen, K. Stordal
Acta Paediatrica - 2022 -
Review on pediatric coeliac disease from a clinical
M. Wessels, R. Auricchio, J. Dolinsek, E. Donat, P. Gillett, Karl Mårild, C. Meijer, A. Popp, M. L. Mearin
European Journal of Pediatrics - 2022 -
Celiac disease screening at a pediatric outpatient clinic: a feasibility
S. Gunnarsdottir, H. Albrektsson, J. Frydebo, N. Miron, Jenny Kindblom, K. Stordal, Karl Mårild
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology - 2022 -
Histological remission in inflammatory bowel disease and risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes: A nationwide
Karl Mårild, J. Söderling, O. Stephansson, J. Axelrad, J. Halfvarson, G. Bröms, J. Marsal, O. Olén, J. F. Ludvigsson
EClinicalMedicine - 2022 -
ESPGHAN Position Paper on Management and Follow-up of Children and Adolescents with Celiac
M. L. Mearin, D. Agardh, H. Antunes, A. Al-Toma, R. Auricchio, G. Castillejo, C. Catassi, C. Ciacci, V. Discepolo, J. Dolinsek, E. Donat, P. Gillett, S. Guandalini, Md Dmsc S. Husby, Md S. Koletzko, T. Koltai, I. R. Korponay-Szabó, K. Kurppa, E. Lionetti, Karl Mårild, E. Martinez Ojinaga, C. Meijer, C. Monachesi, I. Polanco, A. Popp, M. Roca, A. Rodriguez-Herrera, R. Shamir, K. Stordal, R. Troncone, F. Valitutti, A. Vreugdenhil, M. Wessels, P. Whiting
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition - 2022 -
Association of Celiac Disease and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Nationwide Register-Based Cohort
Karl Mårild, J. Söderling, B. Lebwohl, P. H. R. Green, M. I. Pinto-Sanchez, J. Halfvarson, B. Roelstraete, O. Olén, J. F. Ludvigsson
The American journal of gastroenterology - 2022 -
Cancer Risk in 47,241 Individuals With Celiac Disease: A Nationwide Cohort
B. Lebwohl, P. H. R. Green, L. Emilsson, Karl Mårild, J. Söderling, B. Roelstraete, J. F. Ludvigsson
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology - 2022 -
Parechovirus Infection in Early Childhood and Association With Subsequent Celiac
German Tapia, Kateřina Chudá, Christian R Kahrs, Lars C Stene, Lenka Kramna, Karl Mårild, Trond Rasmussen, Kjersti S Rønningen, Ondřej Cinek, Ketil Størdal
The American journal of gastroenterology - 2021 -
Maternal Microchimerism in Cord Blood and Risk of Celiac Disease in
G. Tapia, G. Mortimer, J. Ye, Karl Mårild, S. Chipper-Keating, B. T. Gillard, M. K. Viken, B. A. Lie, L. C. Stene, K. M. Gillespie, K. Stordal
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition - 2020 -
Growth and Pubertal Timing in Boys With Adult-diagnosed Celiac Disease: A Population-based Longitudinal Cohort
Karl Mårild, Claes Ohlsson, Maria Bygdell, Jari Martikainen, L. Sävendahl, K. Størdal, Jenny Kindblom
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition - 2020 -
Maternal fibre and gluten intake during pregnancy and risk of childhood celiac disease: the MoBa
N. A. Lund-Blix, G. Tapia, Karl Mårild, A. L. Brantsaeter, M. Eggesbo, S. Mandal, L. C. Stene, K. Stordal
Scientific Reports - 2020 -
Maternal and child gluten intake and association with type 1 diabetes: The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort
N. A. Lund-Blix, G. Tapia, Karl Mårild, A. L. Brantsaeter, P. R. Njølstad, G. Joner, T. Skrivarhaug, K. Størdal, L. C. Stene
PLoS medicine - 2020 -
Incidence of ICD-Based Diagnoses of Alcohol-Related Disorders and Diseases from Swedish Nationwide Registers and Suggestions for
David Bergman, Hannes Hagström, Andrea Johansson Capusan, Karl Mårild, Fredrik Nyberg, Kristina Sundquist, Jonas F Ludvigsson
Clinical epidemiology - 2020 -
Childhood growth prior to screen-detected celiac disease: prospective follow-up of an at-risk birth
M. G. Stahl, F. Dong, M. M. Lamb, K. C. Waugh, I. Taki, K. Størdal, L. C. Stene, M. J. Rewers, E. Liu, J. M. Norris, Karl Mårild
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology - 2020 -
Costs and Use of Health Care in Patients With Celiac Disease: A Population-Based Longitudinal
Karl Mårild, J. Söderling, S. R. Bozorg, ÅH Everhov, B. Lebwohl, P. H. R. Green, M. Neovius, J. F. Ludvigsson
The American journal of gastroenterology - 2020 -
Gluten Intake in Early Childhood and Risk of Celiac Disease in Childhood: A Nationwide Cohort
Nicolai A Lund-Blix, Karl Mårild, German Tapia, Jill M Norris, Lars C Stene, Ketil Størdal
The American journal of gastroenterology - 2019 -
Smoking in pregnancy, cord blood cotinine and risk of celiac disease diagnosis in
Karl Mårild, G. Tapia, O. Midttun, P. M. Ueland, M. C. Magnus, M. Rewers, L. C. Stene, K. Stordal
European Journal of Epidemiology - 2019 -
Enterovirus as trigger of coeliac disease: nested case-control study within prospective birth
C. R. Kahrs, K. Chuda, G. Tapia, L. C. Stene, Karl Mårild, T. Rasmussen, K. S. Ronningen, K. E. A. Lundin, L. Kramna, O. Cinek, K. Stordal
Bmj-British Medical Journal - 2019 -
Gluten Intake and Risk of Islet Autoimmunity and Progression to Type 1 Diabetes in Children at Increased Risk of the Disease: The Diabetes Autoimmunity Study in the Young
N. A. Lund-Blix, F. Dong, Karl Mårild, J. Seifert, A. E. Baron, K. C. Waugh, G. Joner, K. Stordal, G. Tapia, L. C. Stene, R. K. Johnson, M. J. Rewers, J. M. Norris
Diabetes Care - 2019 -
Maternal and Newborn Vitamin D-Binding Protein, Vitamin D Levels, Vitamin D Receptor Genotype, and Childhood Type 1
German Tapia, Karl Mårild, Sandra R Dahl, Nicolai A Lund-Blix, Marte K Viken, Benedicte A Lie, Pål R Njølstad, Geir Joner, Torild Skrivarhaug, Arieh S Cohen, Ketil Størdal, Lars C Stene
Diabetes care - 2019 -
Gluten Intake and Risk of Celiac Disease: Long-Term Follow-up of an At-Risk Birth
Karl Mårild, Fran Dong, Nicolai A Lund-Blix, Jennifer Seifert, Anna E Barón, Kathleen C Waugh, Iman Taki, Ketil Størdal, German Tapia, Lars C Stene, Randi K Johnson, Edwin Liu, Marian J Rewers, Jill M Norris
The American journal of gastroenterology - 2019 -
Maternal microchimerism in cord blood and risk of childhood-onset type 1
German Tapia, Georgina Mortimer, Jody Ye, Benjamin T Gillard, Saranna Chipper-Keating, Karl Mårild, Marte K Viken, Benedicte A Lie, Geir Joner, Torild Skrivarhaug, Pål R Njølstad, Ketil Størdal, Kathleen M Gillespie, Lars C Stene
Pediatric diabetes - 2019 -
Antibiotics, acetaminophen and infections during prenatal and early life in relation to type 1
German Tapia, Ketil Størdal, Karl Mårild, Christian R Kahrs, Torild Skrivarhaug, Pål R Njølstad, Geir Joner, Lars C Stene
International journal of epidemiology - 2018 -
Prenatal iron exposure and childhood type 1
Ketil Størdal, Harry J McArdle, Helen Hayes, German Tapia, Marte K Viken, Nicolai A Lund-Blix, Margaretha Haugen, Geir Joner, Torild Skrivarhaug, Karl Mårild, Pål R Njølstad, Merete Eggesbø, Siddhartha Mandal, Christian M Page, Stephanie J London, Benedicte A Lie, Lars C Stene
Scientific reports - 2018 -
Parental Smoking and Risk of Childhood-onset Type 1
Maria C Magnus, German Tapia, Sjurdur F Olsen, Charlotta Granstrom, Karl Mårild, Per M Ueland, Øivind Midttun, Jannet Svensson, Jesper Johannesen, Torild Skrivarhaug, Geir Joner, Pål R Njølstad, Ketil Størdal, Lars C Stene
Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) - 2018 -
Turner Syndrome and Celiac Disease: A Case-Control
Karl Mårild, Ketil Størdal, Anna Hagman, Jonas F Ludvigsson
Pediatrics - 2016