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- Jonas Kyrönviita
Jonas Kyrönviita
Department of LawAbout Jonas Kyrönviita
Juris doctor since 2022. My main teaching interest is environmental law. The majority of my teaching in the subject is done in the course Applied Environmental Law. Other teaching interests consist of maritime law and sustainable development.
Teaching areas
- Environmental law
- Maritime law
- Sustainable development
Horizontal coherence in EU law and policy: Analysing, explaining and improving the horizontal coherence of EU policy
Jonas Kyrönviita, Suvi-Tuuli Puharinen, Niko Soininen, Froukje Maria Platjouw, Cristian Passarello
2024 -
EU and international policy landscape - Mapping EU policies and Green Deal objectives:
observations for policy coherence in the marine
Ben Boteler, Cristian Passarello, Froukje Maria Platjouw, Laura Friedrich, Saskia Trubbach, Niko Soininen, Jonas Kyrönviita, Suvi-Tuuli Puharinen, Seline Trevisanut, Nikolaos Giannopoulos, Mireille Van Rijn-Bogaart
2024 -
Policy Brief on Coherent and Cross-compliant Ocean Governance for Delivering the Green Deal for European
Froukje Maria Platjouw, Gunnar Sander, Paulina Ramirez-Monsalve, Laura Friedrich, Saskia Trubbach , Ben Boteler, Cristian Passarello, Niko Soininen, Antti Belinskij, Jonas Kyrönviita, Cesár Soares de Oliveira, Pierre Strosser
Policy Brief - 2023 -
Odla fisk rätt - en systemanalytisk undersökning av den rättsliga styrningen av svenskt
Jonas Kyrönviita
2022 -
Achieving Blue Growth Post-Weser: a Study of Aquaculture Regulation in the Nordic
Jonas Kyrönviita, David Langlet, Niko Soininen, Antti Belinskij, Sara Kymenvaara, Ellen Margrethe Basse
Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law - 2021 -
A Pluralistic Approach to the Question How to Balance Different Objectives of Sustainable Development through Environmental Taxes within the Framework of EU State Aid
Joana Pedroso, Jonas Kyrönviita
Tax Sustainability in an EU and International Context - 2020 -
Antifouling for leisure boats in the Baltic Sea. A review of the European Union chemicals and water
Antifouling for leisure boats in the Baltic Sea. Mapping the legal situation - National Study: