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- Johan Höjesjö
Johan Höjesjö
Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences-
Heart Rate Monitoring During Behavioral Stress Tests in Bold and Shy Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus
Eleftherios Kasiouras, Gautier Riberolles, Albin Gräns, Andreas Ekström, Johan Höjesjö, Jonathan Roques, Erik Sandblom, Lynne Sneddon
Fishes - 2025 -
Streamlining boldness measurement in fish: A practical approach to field
Madeleine Berry, Benedikte Austad, Johan Höjesjö
Behavioural Processes - 2025 -
Local variation in stress response of juvenile anadromous brown trout, Salmo
Madeleine Berry, Lucas Zena, Jonathan Roques, Erik Sandblom, Eva B. Thorstad, Johan Höjesjö
Genetic monitoring uncovers long-distance marine feeding coupled with strong spatial segregation in sea trout (Salmo trutta L.) consistent at annual and decadal time
Dorte Bekkevold, Halvor Knutsen, Jakob Hemmer-Hansen, Marte Sodeland, Johan Höjesjö, Katinka Bleeker, Kim Aarestrup, Christian Skov, Einar E. Nielsen
Comparing dominance relationships and movement of native marble trout (Salmo marmoratus) and introduced rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus
P. Pengal, B. Cokan, F. Okland, Johan Höjesjö, M. Tambets, E. B. Thorstad
Journal of Fish Biology - 2023 -
Asymmetric competition over space use and territory between native brown trout (Salmo trutta) and invasive brook trout (Salvelinus
Magnus Lovén Wallerius, Vilhelm Moran, L. Závorka, Johan Höjesjö
Journal of Fish Biology - 2022 -
Linking omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in natural diet with brain size of wild
L. Zavorka, Magnus L. Wallerius, M. J. Kainz, Johan Höjesjö
Oecologia - 2022 -
From individuals to communities: Habitat complexity affects all levels of organization in aquatic
P. R. Soukup, J. Naslund, Johan Höjesjö, D. S. Boukal
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Water - 2022 -
Microplastic Vector Effects: Are Fish at Risk When Exposed via the Trophic
Agathe Bour, Joachim Sturve, Johan Höjesjö, Bethanie Carney Almroth
Frontiers in Environmental Science - 2020 -
Northern European Salmo trutta (L.) populations are genetically divergent across geographical regions and environmental
D. Bekkevold, Johan Höjesjö, E. E. Nielsen, D. Aldven, T. D. Als, M. Sodeland, M. P. Kent, S. Lien, M. M. Hansen
Evolutionary Applications - 2020 -
Laboratory captivity can affect scores of metabolic rates and activity in wild brown
L. Zavorka, Jeroen Brijs, Niklas Wengström, Magnus L. Wallerius, Joacim Näslund, Barbara Koeck, David Aldvén, R. Lassus, Johan Höjesjö, J.I. Johnsson, J. Cucherousset
Journal of Zoology - 2019 -
Effects of mussel and host fish density on reproduction potential of a threatened unionoid mussel: prioritization of conservation locations in management
L. D. Schneider, P. A. Nilsson, Johan Höjesjö, E. M. Osterling
Biodiversity and Conservation - 2019 -
Environmental influences of life history strategies in partial anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta,
M. Nevoux, B. Finstad, J. G. Davidsen, R. Finlay, Q. Josset, R. Poole, Johan Höjesjö, K. Aarestrup, L. Persson, O. Tolyanen, B. Jonsson
Fish and Fisheries - 2019 -
Behavioral type, in interaction with body size, affects the recapture rate of brown trout Salmo trutta juveniles in their nursery
Joacim Näslund, Niklas Wengström, Fredrik Wahlqvist, David Aldvén, Libor Zavorka, Johan Höjesjö
Integrative Zoology - 2018 -
Salmonid stocking in five North Atlantic jurisdictions: Identifying drivers and barriers to policy
O. Aas, J. Cucherousset, I. A. Fleming, C. Wolter, Johan Höjesjö, M. Buoro, F. Santoul, Jörgen I Johnsson, K. Hindar, R. Arlinghaus
Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems - 2018 -
Heavy loads of parasitic freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera L.) larvae impair foraging, activity and dominance performance in juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta
Karl Filipsson, Tina Petersson, Johan Höjesjö, John J. Piccolo, Joacim Näslund, Niklas Wengström, E. Martin Österling
Ecology of Freshwater Fish - 2018 -
Competition within and between year classes in brown trout; implications of habitat complexity on habitat use and
Johan Höjesjö
Brown Trout: Life History, Ecology and Management - 2017 -
Co-existence with non-native brook trout breaks down the integration of phenotypic traits in brown trout
Libor Zavorka, Barbara Koeck, J. Cucherousset, Jeroen Brijs, Joacim Näslund, David Aldvén, Johan Höjesjö, Jörgen I Johnsson
Functional Ecology - 2017 -
Local adaptation studies and conservation: Parasite-host interactions between the endangered freshwater mussel Unio crassus and its host
L. D. Schneider, P. A. Nilsson, Johan Höjesjö, E. M. Osterling
Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems - 2017 -
Encystment of parasitic freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) larvae coincides with increased metabolic rate and haematocrit in juvenile brown trout (Salmo
Karl Filipsson, Jeroen Brijs, Joacim Näslund, Niklas Wengström, Marie Adamsson, Libor Zavorka, E. Martin Österling, Johan Höjesjö
Parasitology Research - 2017 -
Do individual Activity Patterns of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) alter the Exposure to Parasitic Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera)
Niklas Wengström, Fredrik Wahlqvist, Joacim Näslund, David Aldvén, Libor Zavorka, M. E. Osterling, Johan Höjesjö
Ethology - 2016 -
Inactive trout come out at night: behavioral variation, circadian activity, and fitness in the
Libor Zavorka, David Aldvén, Joacim Näslund, Johan Höjesjö, Jörgen I Johnsson
Ecology - 2016 -
Size-related habitat use in juvenile Atlantic salmon: the importance of intercohort
Johan Höjesjö, Rasmus Kaspersson, J. D. Armstrong
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences - 2016 -
Effect of individuals' local persistence, and spatial and temporal scale, on density-dependent growth: a study in brown trout Salmo
L. Zavorka, P. Horky, Johan Höjesjö, O. Slavik
Ethology Ecology & Evolution - 2016 -
Migration speed, routes, and mortality rates of anadromous brown trout Salmo trutta during outward migration through a complex coastal
David Aldvén, R. Hedger, F. Okland, P. Rivinoja, Johan Höjesjö
Marine Ecology Progress Series - 2015 -
Effects of familiarity and population density on competitive interactions and growth: an experimental study on a territorial salmonid
Libor Zavorka, Joacim Näslund, David Aldvén, Johan Höjesjö, Jörgen I Johnsson
Ethology - 2015 -
Sight or smell? Behavioural and heart rate responses in subordinate rainbow trout exposed to cues from dominant
Johan Höjesjö, Michael Axelsson, Ronja Dahy, Lena Gustavsson, Jörgen I Johnsson
Peerj - 2015 -
Survival and progression rates of anadromous brown trout kelts Salmo trutta during downstream migration in freshwater and at
K. Aarestrup, H. Baktoft, E. B. Thorstad, J. C. Svendsen, Johan Höjesjö, A. Koed
Marine Ecology Progress Series - 2015 -
Addition of structural complexity-contrasting effect on juvenile brown trout in a natural
Johan Höjesjö, Gunve Elin, Torgny Bohlin, Jörgen I Johnsson
Ecology of Freshwater Fish - 2015 -
Behaviour and growth of juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) following upstream and downstream
Johan Höjesjö, Jörgen I Johnsson, Torgny Bohlin
Journal of freshwater ecology - 2015 -
Linking lab activity with growth and movement in the wild: explaining pace-of-life in a trout
Libor Zavorka, David Aldvén, Joacim Näslund, Johan Höjesjö, Jörgen I Johnsson
Behavioral Ecology - 2015 -
Environmental cues and downstream migration of anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
David Aldvén, Erik Degerman, Johan Höjesjö
Boreal environment research - 2015 -
Effects of lure type, fish size and water temperature on hooking location and bleeding in northern pike (Esox lucius) angled in the Baltic
M. Stalhammar, T. Franstam, Jakob Lindström, Johan Höjesjö, R. Arlinghaus, P. A. Nilsson
Fisheries Research - 2014 -
Habitat exclusion and reduced growth: a field experiment on the effects of inter-cohort competition in young-of-the-year brown
Rasmus Kaspersson, Johan Höjesjö, Torgny Bohlin
Oecologia - 2012 -
Behavioural syndromes in juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta); life-history, family variation and performance in the
Johan Höjesjö, Bart Adriaenssens, Torgny Bohlin, Christopher Jönsson, Illka Hellström, Jörgen I Johnsson
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - 2011 -
Effects of density on foraging success and aggression in age-structured groups of brown
Rasmus Kaspersson, Johan Höjesjö, Stig Pedersen
Animal Behaviour - 2010 -
Growth enhanced brown trout show increased movement activity in the
Line Sundt-Hansen, Lena Neregård, Sigurd Einum, Johan Höjesjö, Björn Thrandur Björnsson, Kjetil Hindar, Finn Økland, Jörgen I Johnsson
Density-dependent growth rate in an age-structured population: a field study on stream-dwelling brown trout Salmo
Rasmus Kaspersson, Johan Höjesjö
Journal of Fish Biology - 2009 -
A fully implantable multi-channel biotelemetry system for measurement of blood flow and temperature: A first evaluation in the green
Albin Gräns, Michael Axelsson, K. Pitsillides, Catharina Olsson, Johan Höjesjö, R.C. Kaufmann, J.J. Jr Cech
Hydrobiologia. - 2009 -
Radio waves tainted with blood: The latest in fish
Albin Gräns, Michael Axelsson, Catharina Olsson, Johan Höjesjö, Koullis Pitsillides, Joseph J., Jr. Cech Jr
8th International Congress on the Biology of Fish, 2008, Portland, USA - 2008 -
Competition between brown trout and Atlantic salmon parr over pool refuges during rapid
L Stradmeyer, Johan Höjesjö, S. W. Griffiths, D.J. Gilvear, J. D. Armstrong
Journal of Fish Biology - 2008 -
Movement and home range in relation to dominance; a telemetry study on brown trout Salmo
Johan Höjesjö, F. Økland, L. Fredrik Sundström, J. Pettersson, Jörgen I Johnsson
Journal of Fish Biology - 2007 -
Effects of exercise, feeding, hypoxia and hypercapnia on cardiac output and gut blood flow in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) using a fully implantable biotelemetry
Albin Gräns, Michael Axelsson, Catharina Olsson, Johan Höjesjö, Koullis Pitsillides, Joseph J., Jr. Cech Jr
Society for Experimental Biology, Annual Meeting, 2007, Glasgow, UK. - 2007 -
Rapid bystander assessment of intrinsic fighting ability: behavioural and heart rate responses in rainbow
Johan Höjesjö, P. Andersson, A Engman, Jörgen I Johnsson
Animal Behaviour - 2007 -
Heart rate responses to predation risk in Salmo trutta are affected by the rearing
L. Fredrik Sundström, E. Petersson, Jörgen I Johnsson, J. Dannewitz, Johan Höjesjö, T. Järvi
Journal of Fish Biology - 2005 -
Coping with divided attention: the advantage of
S. W. Griffiths, Sofia Brockmark, Johan Höjesjö, Jörgen I Johnsson
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences - 2004 -
Habitat complexity reduces the growth of aggressive and dominant brown trout (Salmo trutta) relative to
Johan Höjesjö, Jörgen I Johnsson, Torgny Bohlin
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - 2004 -
Hatchery selection promotes boldness in newly hatched brown trout (Salmo trutta): implications for
L. Fredrik Sundström, E. Petersson, Johan Höjesjö, Jörgen I Johnsson, T. Jarvi
Behavioral Ecology - 2004 -
Sneaky feeding by salmon in sympatry with dominant brown
Johan Höjesjö, J. D. Armstrong, S. W. Griffiths
Animal Behaviour - 2004