Elin Lundsten
Senior Lecturer
Gender and Culture studies unitAbout Elin Lundsten
I was awarded my PhD in Womens Studies at Lancaster University, UK in 2007. My PhD thesis Speaking Subjects in the Good School: Language and Relations of Power concerns Swedish schools. It investigates what language does within an institution that is defined by its equality and diversity aims and where all individuals are formally given equal opportunities. By analysing texts, everyday practices and speech in a school, I demonstrate how language conceals relations of power. One of the central arguments concerns how the liberal ideal of dialogue and the construction of the Swedish language as "white" restrict critical interrogations of racism and injustice.
At the department of Cultural Sciences, I have worked with Jenny Wenzer Dahlgren and Lisbeth Lewander in a project concerning gender and crisis management. This project was funded by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (published on the webpage of MSB, 2010). By order of the equal treatment committee at the Sahlgrenska Academy (the faculty of health sciences at the University of Gothenburg), I have conducted an interview study with students from medicine and health care sciences, concerning discriminatory and offensive treatment. I presented the study in a report in 2009.
In my current research, I am interested in questions related to health care professions and social change.
Presentations at conferences
"Barnmorskor, staten och assisterad befruktning i Danmark: ett kritiskt möte för social förändring?",Genus i profession, Malmö högskola, 2017
"Intersektionella analyser av normer för talad svenska inom vården", G12 Nationell konferens för genusforskning, Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research, Gothenburg, 2012
"Everyday talk and Equal Opportunities in a Swedish school", Equality is not a Utopia, the 10th International Interdisciplinary Congress, Women's Worlds 2008, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 2008
I have taught at the Department of Cultural Sciences since 2008. Mainly, I have been engaged in teaching Gender Studies, at both introductory and advanced levels. I have also taught in the bachelor's programme Culture and supervised degree projects in the teacher training programme. In the international master's programme Gendering Practices, I have coordinated courses since 2014. During several years, I have also been particularly engaged in the module "Politics and feminists critique" on the introductory course in Gender Studies.