
Claes Ek

Senior Lecturer

Department of Economics
Visiting address
Vasagatan 1
41124 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 640
40530 Göteborg

About Claes Ek

I am Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economics at the University of Gothenburg. I obtained my PhD from Lund University in September 2016. My research interests are in in environmental and behavioral economics, public economics, and applied econometrics. I am a BECC PI.

I am particularly interested in pro-environmental behavior in households, particularly relating to household waste. My main current projects include various field experiments and surveys on household waste and recycling behavior (for example, here). As an offshoot of that focus, I also have ongoing work on analytical power calculations for experiments with panel data. I've previously done research on the issue of within-individual spillovers across prosocial activities, i.e., whether for instance people become more or less inclined to buy organic food or bike to work in response to policy meant to encourage some other pro-environmental activity.

Link to my personal web page (external site)


  • Environmental economics, behavioral economics, applied econometrics, public economics


  • Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Environmental economics

Utvalda publikationer

C. Ek and M. Söderberg. Norm-based feedback on household waste: Large-scale field experiments in two Swedish municipalities. Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 238: 105191. 2024.

F. Carlsson, C. Ek, and A. Lange. One bad apple spoils the barrel? Public good provision under threshold uncertainty. Experimental Economics, Vol. 27: 664-686. 2024.

C. Ek, K. Elofsson, and C.-J. Lagerkvist. Which policy instrument do citizens and civil servants prefer? A choice experiment on Swedish marine policy. Q Open, Vol. 2(1): qoac002. 2022.

C. Ek and J. Miliute-Plepiene. Behavioral spillovers from food-waste collection in Swedish municipalities. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 89: 169-186. 2018.

C. Ek. Prosocial behavior and policy spillovers: A multi-activity approach. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 149: 356-371. 2018.

C. Ek. Some causes are more equal than others? The effect of similarity on substitution in charitable giving. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 136: 45-62. 2017.