
Céline Heuzé

Senior Lecturer

Department of Earth Sciences
Visiting address
Medicinaregatan 7B
41262 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 460
40530 Göteborg

About Céline Heuzé

No cold-calling; email me your contact details and availabilities and I will ring you back.

No internship possibility / Je ne prends pas de stagiaire.


I am docent and Senior Lecturer in climatology, fascinated by global deep water masses and their role in the climate system. In particular, I study the interactions between deep ocean, sea ice / glaciers, and atmosphere, mostly in the Arctic. To do so, I use in-situ observations, climate models, and ocean remote sensing.


I obtained my PhD in physical oceanography in 2015 from the University of East Anglia (UK), and immediately after moved to Sweden as a VINNMER / Marie Curie Incoming Fellow. I received the 2022 Ocean Science division Outstanding Early Career Scientist award of the European Geosciences Union (EGU).

My three main projects at the moment are:

  • Dynamics of the Arctic sea ice, from satellites (Swedish National Space Agency grant 2022-00149). PhD student Carmen (Hau Man) Wong (main supervisor).
  • Warming of Arctic deep waters, using in-situ observations and climate models (Swedish Research Council grant 2018-03859). Now-graduated PhD student Salar Karam (main supervisor). I am co-lead of MOSAiC team Ocean (50+ people) och physical oceanography PI for the Swedish contribution to the Synoptic Arctic Survey, two very large international expeditions to the Arctic.
  • Sea level variability and forecast over the North Atlantic - North Sea region, using in-situ and satellite measurements and AI (FORMAS grant 2020-00982). Postdoc Zhibo Li, starts this autumn.

I am teaching ca. 25% of my time in the following courses:

  • Advanced climate data analysis (GVN370; I am course responsible), bachelor level;
  • Climate Modelling (GVN465; I am course responsible), master level;
  • The Arctic in a changing climate, PhD level;
  • AI for Earth and Environmental Sciences, PhD level.

More information and full text of my papers are on my personal website.