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- Agneta Ranerup
Agneta Ranerup
Department of Applied IT, div InformaticsAbout Agneta Ranerup
Agneta Ranerup (agneta.ranerup@ait.gu.se) is active as a researcher in E-government and E- health. Her research has been published in for example Government Information Quarterly, Electronic Markets, Social Science Computer Review, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, Patient Education & Counselling and Journal of Medical Internet Research. Her most recent research interests are infrastructures and platforms in quasi-markets, as well as automated decision-making in public sector.
Digital infrastruktur och socialtjänstens myndighetsutövning i Sverige
- fallet ekonomiskt
Lupita Svensson, Agneta Ranerup
Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift - 2024 -
Value positions in the implementation of automated decision-making in social
Agneta Ranerup, Lupita Svensson
Nordic Social Work Research - 2024 -
Automated decision-making, discretion and public values: a case study of two municipalities and their case management of social
Agneta Ranerup, Lupita Svensson
European Journal of Social Work - 2023 -
ICT and discretion: An “up-to-date” view of what we want
to know and how it can be
Agneta Ranerup
Presented at 20th Scandinavian Workshop on E-Government (SWEG): From Government automation to AI, 1-2 February, 2023, Örebro University. - 2023 -
The role of discretion from the perspective of social work
professionalism and automated decision
Lupita Svensson, Agneta Ranerup
Retfærd. Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift - 2022 -
Actors and Intentions in the Dissemination of Robotic Process Automation in Social
Agneta Ranerup, Lupita Svensson
Juell-Skielse, G., Lindgren, I., Åkesson, M. (eds): Service Automation in the Public Sector. Progress in IS. - 2022 -
Discretion, automated decision-making and public values: Background and test of an approach for unpacking human and technological
Agneta Ranerup, Lupita Svenssson
M. Janssen et al. (Eds), Proceedings of EGOV 2022, 21st IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, 6-8 September, Linköping, Sweden (pp. 291-305). LNCS 13391. Springer Nature Switzerland. AG. - 2022 -
Discretion, automated decision-making and their influence on public values: Background and test of unpacking human and technological
Agneta Ranerup, Lupita Svensson
19th Scandinavian Workshop on E-government January 26-27 - 2022 -
A State-of-the Art Review of SNOMED CT Terminology Binding and Recommendations for Practice and
Anna Rossander, Lars Lindsköld, Agneta Ranerup, Daniel Karlsson
Methods of Information in Medicine - 2021 -
Patients and Professionals as Partners in Hypertension Care: Qualitative Substudy of a Randomized Controlled Trial Using an Interactive Web-Based System Via Mobile
Ulrika Andersson, Ulrika Bengtsson, Agneta Ranerup, Patrik Midlöv, Karin I Kjellgren
Journal of Medical Internet Research - 2021 -
Digital Discretion: Unpacking Human and Technological Agency in Automated Decision Making in Sweden's Social
Agneta Ranerup, H. Z. Henriksen
Social Science Computer Review - 2020 -
Translating Robotic Process Automation in social work: Aspired changes and the role of
Agneta Ranerup
Presented at the 17th Scandinavian Workshop on E-government (SWEG), Gothenburg, January 29-30 2020 - 2020 -
Agneta Ranerup
11th Scandinavian Conference on Information Systems, Sundsvall, August 2020 - 2020 -
PERson-centredness in hypertension management using information
technology (PERHIT): a protocol for a randomised controlled trial in
primary health
Patrik Midlöv, Peter M. Nilsson, Ulrika Bengtsson, Mikael Hoffman, André Wennersten, Ulrika Andersson, Ulf Malmqvist, Katarina Steen Carlsson, Agneta Ranerup, Karin I Kjellgren
Blood Pressure - 2020 -
Value positions viewed through the lens of automated decision-making: The case of social
Agneta Ranerup, Helle Zinner Henriksen
Government Information Quarterly - 2019 -
Enrolling citizens as informed consumers in
Agneta Ranerup, Helle Zinner Henriksen
Information Technology and People - 2019 -
Robot takeover? Analyzing human and technological agency in automated decision-making in social
Agneta Ranerup, Helle Zinner Henriksen
16th Scandinavian Workshop on e-Government, January 30-31, University of South-Eastern Norway - 2019 -
Guides and an overflow of
Lars Norén, Agneta Ranerup
Overwhelmed by overflows? How people and organizations create and manage excess (Eds. Barbara Czarniawska and Orvar Löfgren) - 2019 -
Experiences, expectations and challenges of an interactive mobile phone-based system to support self-management of hypertension: patients’ and professionals’
Inger Hallberg, Agneta Ranerup, Ulrika Bengtsson, Karin I Kjellgren
Patient Preference and Adherence - 2018 -
Value positions in digitalization and automated decision-making in social
Agneta Ranerup
SWEG 2018 The 15th Scandinavian Workshop on E-Government January 31st to February 1st, 2018 - 2018 -
Web-Based Intervention for Women With Type 1 Diabetes in Pregnancy and Early Motherhood: Critical Analysis of Adherence to Technological Elements and Study
Marie Berg, Karolina Linden, Annsofie Adolfsson, Carina Sparud Lundin, Agneta Ranerup
Journal of Medical Internet Research - 2018 -
Supporting the self-management of hypertension: Patients’ experiences of using a mobile phone-based
Inger Hallberg, Agneta Ranerup, Karin I Kjellgren
Journal of Human Hypertension - 2016 -
Användning av mobiltelefon vid behandling av högt
Inger Hallberg, Karin I Kjellgren, Agneta Ranerup
Best Practice - 2016 -
An analysis of business models in Public Service
Agneta Ranerup, Helle Zinner Henriksen, Jonas Hedman
Government Information Quarterly - 2016 -
Use of participatory design in the development of person-centred web-based support for persons with long-term
Carina Sparud Lundin, Marie Berg, Margaretha Jenholt Nolbris, Ingalill Koinberg, Agneta Ranerup, Ingela Skärsäter
19th International Philosophy of Nursing Society (IPONS) Conference. Stockholm 24-26 Augusti, - 2015 -
Promoting competition in Swedish primary
Lars Norén, Agneta Ranerup
Journal of Health Organization and Management - 2015 -
How are citizens´public service choices supported in
Agneta Ranerup, Lars Norén
International Journal of Information Management - 2015 -
Actors and intentions in the development process of a mobile phone platform for self-management of
Agneta Ranerup, Inger Hallberg
Informatics for Health and Social Care - 2015 -
How are citizens’ public service choices supported in
Agneta Ranerup, Lars Norén
12th Scandinavian Workshop on E-government (SWEG 2015), Copenhagen, Denmark, 3-4 February 2015. - 2015 -
Role of Theories in the Design of Web-Based person-Centered Support: A Critical
Agneta Ranerup, Carina Sparud Lundin, Ingalill Koinberg, Ingela Skärsäter, Margaretha Jenholt Nolbris, Marie Berg
International Journal of Chronic Diseases - 2014 -
Promoting learning in web-based support for persons with long-term illness challenges and
Carina Sparud Lundin, Marie Berg, Margaretha Jenholt Nolbris, Inga-Lill Koinberg, Agneta Ranerup, Ingela Skärsäter
Leadership, learning and research in nursing and midwifery. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society, 2nd European regional conference. 16-18 June 2014 Gothenburg, Sweden. - 2014 -
Phases in development of an interactive mobile phone-based system to support self-management of
Inger Hallberg, Charles Taft, Agneta Ranerup, Ulrika Bengtsson, Mikael Hoffman, Stefan Höfer, Dick Kasperowski, Åsa Mäkitalo, Mona Lundin, Lena Ring, Ulf Rosenqvist, Karin I Kjellgren
Integrated blood pressure control - 2014 -
Swedish Citizens’ Opinions on Decision Support in Primary
Agneta Ranerup, Anna Bendz, Lars Norén
Electronic Government, an International Journal - 2013 -
Use of participatory design in the development of person-centred web-based support for persons with long-term
Carina Sparud Lundin, Ulrika Josefsson, Marie Berg, Anna-Lena Hellström, Ingalill Koinberg, Margaretha Jenholt Nolbris, Agneta Ranerup, Ingela Skärsäter
European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare - 2013 -
Use of theories in web-based support as a health oriented service for persons with chronic
Carina Sparud Lundin, Marie Berg, Ingalill Koinberg, Margaretha Jenholt Nolbris, Ingela Skärsäter, Agneta Ranerup
The 21st International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services. Body and Mind 22-24 May 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2013 -
Web-based Support in Long-term Illness – a Person-centred Care
Ingela Skärsäter, Marie Berg, Anna-Lena Hellström, Ingalill Koinberg, Margaretha Jenholt Nolbris, Agneta Ranerup, Carina Sparud Lundin, Ulrika Josefsson
Medicine 2.0, 6th World Congress on Social Media, Mobile Apps, Internet/Web 2.0. London, GB; September 23-24, 2013 - 2013 -
Web-based support as a person-centered and health oriented service for women with type 1 diabetes during pregnancy and early
Karolina Linden, Marie Berg, Ann-Sofie Adolfsson, Agneta Ranerup, Carina Sparud Lundin
21st International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services. 22-24 May 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2013 -
Ongoing Research: A Social and learning Community to Support Self-Management in Childbearing Women with Type 1
Karolina Linden, Carina Sparud Lundin, Ann-Sofie Adolfsson, Agneta Ranerup, Marie Berg
Medicine 2.0. 6th World Congress on Social Media, Mobile Apps, Internet/Web 2.0. London, 23-24 September 2013. Abstracts - 2013 -
Person-centred web-based support - development through a Swedish multi-case
Ulrika Josefsson, Marie Berg, Ingalill Koinberg, Anna-Lena Hellström, Margaretha Jenholt Nolbris, Agneta Ranerup, Carina Sparud Lundin, Ingela Skärsäter
BMC medical informatics and decision making - 2013 -
Person-Centred Web Support to Women with Type 1 Diabetes in Pregnancy and Motherhood - The Development
Marie Berg, Ann-Sofie Adolfsson, Agneta Ranerup, Carina Sparud Lundin
Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics - 2013 -
Designing Judgement Devices: Information Needs in the Choice of Primary Healthcare
Agneta Ranerup
9th Scandinavian Workshop on E-Government, Feb 9-10, Copenhagen - 2012 -
Mastery and Autonomy in Medication with a Mobile Self-report System: A Project in
Agneta Ranerup, Inger Hallberg, Ulrika Bengtsson, Karin I Kjellgren
Persuasive 2012. Linköping June 6-8. - 2012 -
Web-based learning and support – a person-centred care approach in long-term
Ingela Skärsäter, Marie Berg, Anna-Lena Hellström, Ingalill Koinberg, Margaretha Nolbris, Ulrika Josefsson, Agneta Ranerup, Carina Sparud Lundin
Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics - 2012 -
Decision Support Systems for Choosing a Primary Health Care Provider in
Agneta Ranerup, Lars Norén, Carina Sparud Lundin
Patient Education and Counseling - 2012 -
The socio-material pragmatics of e-governance
Agneta Ranerup
Government Information Quarterly - 2012 -
Enrolling Local Strategic Actors in Public Portal
Agneta Ranerup
Jannssen, M., Scholl, H., Wimmer, M., Tan, Y-H (Ed.) Electronic Government. 10th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2011, Delft, The Netherlands, August/September 2011, Proceedings - 2011 -
Internet use, needs, and expectations of web-based information and communication in childbearing women with type 1
Carina Sparud Lundin, Agneta Ranerup, Marie Berg
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making - 2011 -
The Emergent Development of Public Portals Moulding the State-individual
Agneta Ranerup
Transforming Government: People, Process & Policy - 2011 -
Förvaltning och medborgarskap i förändring - etablerad praxis och kritiska
Agneta Ranerup, Katarina Lindblad-Gidlund, Anneli Ekelin, Eriksén Sara
2010 -
Patient, medborgare, eller konsument? Individens roller visavi sjukvården och arbetet med en svensk
Agneta Ranerup
Förvaltning och medborgarskap i förändring - etablerad praxis och kritiska perspektiv.Lindblad-Gidlund, K, Ekelin, A. Eriksén, S och Ranerup, A. - 2010 -
Transforming Patients to Consumers: Evaluating National Healthcare
Agneta Ranerup
International Journal of Public Sector Management - 2010 -
Decision Support Systems for Public Policy Implementation The Case of Pension
Agneta Ranerup
Social Science Computer Review - 2008 -
The construction of a Swedish National Healthcare Portal: What does it Mean for the Individual
Agneta Ranerup
3d Nordic Workshop on Health Management , Uppsala, 4-5 december. - 2008 -
Constructing Consumers in Healthcare: A Comparative Study of National Public Portals in Scandinavia and the
Agneta Ranerup
ECIS 2008 - 2008 -
In What Ways does Web Technology Support the Individual in Choice Reforms in
Agneta Ranerup
International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics - 2008 -
Rationalities in the Design of Public E-Services:The Case of Quasi-Markets for
Agneta Ranerup
Journal of E-government - 2007 -
Can Portals Calculate? A Study of Public e-Services in Educational
Agneta Ranerup, Lars Norén
International Journal of Public Information Systems - 2007 -
Electronic Government as a combination of human and technological agency:Testing the principle of
Agneta Ranerup
Information Polity - 2007 -
Electronic Markets Connecting Citizens to Pension
Agneta Ranerup
Electronic Markets - 2006 -
The Technological Construction of Quasi-Markets for
Agneta Ranerup
Proceedings of ECIS 2005, Regensburg, Maj 2005. University of Regensburg. - 2005 -
The Internet web portal as an enrolment
Lars Norén, Agneta Ranerup
Czarniawska, Barbara & Hernes, Tor (eds.) Actor-Network theory and organizing - 2005 -
Motives in the Design of Public E-services. The Example of Quasi-Markets for
Agneta Ranerup
Critical Computing: Proceedings of the Fourth Decennial Aarhus Conference, August 2005, Aarhus. Eds. O. Bertelsen, N. Bouvin, P. Krogh & M. Kyng - 2005 -
Internet-Based Guidance in Quasi-Markets for Education in
Agneta Ranerup
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance - 2004 -
E-Career Guidance in Quasi-Markets for Education: Roles and
Agneta Ranerup
Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Information Systems ECis 2003, Napoli, June 2003, eds. C. Ciborra et al. - 2003 -
Consumerism Revisited: The Emergent Roles of New Electronic Intermediaries between Citizens and the Public
Agneta Ranerup, Ulrika Josefsson
Information Polity - 2003 -
Improvisatorial change management: new work forms with
Agneta Ranerup, Agneta Nilsson
Electronic Government:design, applications & management, ed. Grönlund Å. - 2002 -
The complexity of using commercial forces to counteract the digital divide: A case study of the TUC of
Agneta Ranerup
Digital cities II. Computational and sociological approaches. eds. Tanabe, M., van den Besselaar, P. and Ishida, T. - 2002 -
Improvisational Change Management - New Work Forms with
Agneta Nilsson, Agneta Ranerup
Electronic Government - Design, Applications and Management - 2002 -
Tools for Consumer
Agneta Ranerup
e-Service Journal - 2002 -
Improvisational Change Management in the Public
Agneta Nilsson, Ulrika Josefsson, Agneta Ranerup
In Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science HICSS'34, IEEE CS Press, Maui, Hawaii. - 2001 -
On-line forums as a tool for people-centred governance:experiences from local government in
Agneta Ranerup
Community informatics: shaping computer-mediated social relations eds L. Keeble & D. Loader - 2001 -
Improvisatoriskt förändringsarbete - nya arbetssätt med
Agneta Nilsson, Agneta Ranerup
Elektronisk förvaltning, elektronisk demokrati - visioner, verklighet, vidareutveckling - 2001 -
Collaboration in Public Sector: Enabling Conditions for Groupware
Agneta Nilsson, Ulrika Josefsson, Agneta Ranerup
In Proceedings of Information systems Research In Scandinavia Conference 2000, IRIS’23, Uddevalla, Sweden. - 2000 -
On-line discussion forums in a Swedish local government
Agneta Ranerup
Community informatics: enabling communities with information and communicationns technologies, ed. M. Gurstein - 2000 -
Internet-enabled applications for local government democratisation: contradictions of the Swedish
Agneta Ranerup
Reinventing government in the information age, ed. R. Heeks - 1999 -
Can Internet Improve Democracy in Local
Agneta Ranerup
PDC 98 Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference Seattle, Washington, USA Nov 1998, eds. R. Henderson Chatfield, S. Kuhn & M. Muller - 1998