Clara-Beatha studies MSc Innovation and Industrial Management
"I like that innovation is a recurring theme in all courses as it is exciting to see how you can involve innovation in several different ways and on different levels"

Why does MSc IIM suit you so well?
-The most important thing of all I think is that I think the courses are interesting! I find it fun to study for these courses and I feel that I will benefit from what I learn. I like that innovation is a recurring theme in all courses as it is exciting to see how you can involve innovation in several different ways and at different levels. I also like the approach that there are many cases where you get to discuss a lot. Having many cases early in the courses, I also think helps one to be in phase. I also appreciate reading two courses of 50% in parallel as I experience that what the new knowledge has time to sink in better when you read for a longer period. If you want to go on an exchange, there is also a good opportunity for it in this programme, which is fun!
In what way do studies at master's level differ compared with bachelor’s level?
-There is a lot more to do and you have to start studying earlier in the course to catch up with everything before the exam. Then the group work often plays a bigger role now than they did at bachelor’s level. On the master's, the group work is a part of the final grade, which motivates you to make a little more effort. Now everything is in English as well, which I was not used to in the beginning but something that you quickly got into. I think it's nice to have everything in the same language instead of a mixture of Swedish and English, which was the case on Bachelor's level.
What benefits do you see from having continued your studies at the School of Business, Economics and Law?
- I have always experienced that the School maintains a high quality of education. Personally I would like to work here in Gothenburg in the future and through the School they have come into contact with interesting companies that could be potential future employers.
What do you want to do after graduation?
-It is a very difficult question and it changes from day to day. Right now I can imagine starting a job as a management consultant or going on a trainee program at a consulting company to learn more about what you can work with and what I think is fun to work with. It is also an opportunity to get in touch with interesting companies that you may want to work with in the future.