
Towards sustainable social development: Strengthening social work education, research and practice in Rwanda

Research project
Active research
Project size
4 671 000
Project period
2019 - 2024
Project owner
Department of Social Work

Research partners
University of Rwanda
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

Short description

This project is part of the collaboration between University of Rwanda and University of Gothenburg called "Research Training Partnership Programme” funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The project focuses on capacity building and training of PhD students from the College of Arts and Social Sciences/School of Social, Political and Administrative sciences at UR. They are now enrolled at the doctoral program at the Department of Social Work, University of Gothenburg. In this projects theri research focuses on areas such as poverty alleviation, food security, gender equality, human rights, violence and social work professions responses to these areas.