
Qualitative musical assessment of the Swedish high school's aesthetic programme

Research project
Active research
Project period
2020 - ongoing
Project owner
Academy of Music and Drama

Short description

Doctoral thesis by Maria Lindberg.
I have been a doctoral student at the Artistic Faculty since August 2020. The subject of my research is Research on arts education, and I am affiliated with CUL's graduate school, which is shared by the faculty. The graduate school is focused on practice-related and practice-developing research in educational science.

Maria Lindberg

In my dissertation project, I intend to investigate teachers 'qualitative assessments of students' musical performances in relation to the syllabus. The study is intended to be carried out in the upper secondary school's courses Instrument or song 1 and Instrument or song 2, and take into account formative and summative assessment of primarily the artistic aspects of making music. My interest in the area arose, among other things, in connection with data production for master's and master's theses, where the organization for grading differed markedly between different schools.

The dissertation project is expected to be completed in the spring of 2024.