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Why do sustainable business models fail?

Sustainability and environment
Society and economy

Welcome to lunch webinar with Rick Middel, assistant professor at the unit for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the School of Business, Economics and Law.

15 Dec 2020
12:00 - 13:00
Link to the online event will be sent by e-mail on December 14

Rick Middel
Portrait of Rick Middel
Rick Middel

The quest for sustainability is transforming the competitive landscape, which forces companies to change the way they think about products, technologies, processes, and business models. There is no alternative to sustainable development and the key to progress, especially in our current reality, is innovation. However, this is not easy and despite good intentions, sustainable business models do fail.

In this seminar, we will explore why sustainable business models fail to be implemented by focusing on some of the challenges that organizations might face when they embark themselves on a journey towards sustainability.

Rick Middel is assistant professor at the unit for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the department of Economy and Society. He is currently responsible for the MSc programme in knowledge-based Entrepreneurship and his research is focused on business model innovation.