Photo: Brendan Sugrue

Welcome to Open House at HDK-Valand on november 26!


On november 26 there's an open house at HDK-Valand, for everyone interested in our courses and programmes. Most of the items in english will be held online.

Whether you are interested in photography, ceramics or free art, you will find something of interest when HDK-Valand has an open house on November 26. In addition to all the presentations that will be held about our educations, it will also be possible to meet both alumni and study counselors to ask questions.

Open House is aimed at everyone who is curious about HDK-Valand's educations, both at bachelor's and master's level. 

Read more about Open House at HDK-Valand here

Both physically and online

This year, for the first time, an open house will be held both digitally and physically. The physical program is located at HDK-Valand's premises on both Vasagatan and Kristinelundsgatan, and the digital is held at Zoom. The programme items held in english will almost exclusively be held online.