
Update from Filippo, Double Degree student from Italy


Filippo Colonna, from Italy, is one of the students in the MSc programme Innovation and Industrial Management at Handelshögskolan at the University of Gothenburg.

Filippo Colonna by lakeFilippo is part of the Double Degree programme with LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome, Italy, which means that he has studied his first year in Italy and he is now doing his final year at Handelshögskolan.

What made you apply for the Double Degree with the University of Gothenburg?

I had the strong desire to experience studying abroad. Among all the opportunities, Gothenburg was the most appealing. The nature of this decision was purely academic. I was interested in continuing innovation studies.

What are your first experiences studying at the University of Gothenburg?

The first month I attended the courses having a “travel mind set”. Everything was worth seeing, especially the beautiful weather at the beginning was very inviting to wander around. I biked the entire city and its surroundings. I met many people that shared their world view with me and I could get many insights into the Swedish culture. During this period I also had a course that called to real action and gave me the opportunity to gain significant experience and inspiration.

Filippo Colonna on boatWhat is the best of being in Sweden?

I appreciate mostly two aspects: Swedish people and their society. Being in a tidy, multicultural, quiet, wealthy and accessible environment is something that helps me to find my inner peace. I really appreciate how the daily flow is not disturbed by negative events. I also love to interact with Swedish people. Especially, conversations and other points of view have enriched and made my day several times. This is enhanced by their strange humour, politeness and intelligence.

What do miss most from Italy?

I miss the vicinity of my beloved. I also miss the possibility to take the train and attend a celebration or be present when important. For the rest I found everything I need, pasta included.

Anything else that you want to share with us?

Gothenburg is full of events and cultural and artistic spaces. There is something worth doing every day. It is also a bicycle friendly city. There is the possibility to have your own bicycle for 50 SEK if you repair it on your own.

This country exceeds all my expectations. Everything has a dark side but here in Sweden it is possible to appreciate also that. As a conclusion, I can only lament about the burden to having too many possibilities and a terrible lack of time to take advantage of them.

Greetings from Gothenburg!