
The Spring Ceremony was held in the University Assembly Hall


The traditional Spring Ceremony at the IT Faculty was held in the University Assembly Hall on June 10, which meant a lot of people, flowers, and many inspiring speeches.

William Michael Nsubuga

…and the weather was nice as it always seems to be during this event. The sun gave the special feeling of expectation and of summer in the offing. William Michael Nsubuga, alumnus from the master programme in IT management, was the enthusiastic master of ceremonies.

Prodekanus Dick Stenmark

Pro Dean Dick Stenmark, dressed in the academic gown, made the first speech which was about the importance of always taking the opportunity to develop – to remember that work life means many opportunities to switch tracks and find new challenges. He also welcomed the students back if they feel one day that they want to develop further and acquire additional skills: "We will be here".

Head of the IT Section of Student Union, Michal Maciej Dzienis, made a poetic speech on using your inherent potential. This speech was followed by a wide range of inspiring speeches by the programme managers and students, where one thanked each other for the time elapsed and for the mutual exchange of knowledge between students and teachers.Master in Communication

In the afternoon, during the MSc part of the ceremony, there was also a speech by the Alumnus of the Year, Catarina Coquand, and it was then time for the Pedagogical Prize at the IT Faculty, which this year was awarded Mattias von Feilitzen, Department of Applied Information Technology.

Klas Nilsson och Kristian Hvitfeldt

During the whole event the musicians Klas Nilsson and Kristian Hvitfeldt – as usual – contributed to the atmosphere by blowing fanfares and playing summer music. This year's guest musicians consisted of the trio "Kaliber" from the World Music Programme at Academia of Music and Drama, University of Gothenburg, who presented nice old Swedish folk music.


For students who were present during the ceremony: The photos taken on stage of you and your class will probably be put on Flickr later in June. Please contact your Student Office if you are interested in the photos or want some more information!