
Prize for the best Master's theses



student receiving diploma

On June 20, the graduation ceremony was held for students who completed the two-year Master’s programs at the School of Business, Economics and Law. 255 students received their diploma in the Gothenburg Concert Hall and the best theses of the nine programs were also rewarded with The Malmsten Award.

The School's master's program is taught in English and about 25 percent of the students have a Bachelor’s degree from a country other than Sweden. Among the students that graduated yesterday were people from Bangladesh, China, Germany, Greece, Lebanon, Mexico, Spain, and USA. Ever since the start of the Master’s programs in 1997, they have been supported by the Richard C. Malmsten Memorial Foundation, among other things through "The Malmsten Award for Best Thesis", which is awarded the best thesis in each program. The students behind the theses receive the honor and a scholarship of SEK 10,000 each.

Malmsten Award winners 2019 (program, name, thesis title):

Accounting and Financial Management: Axel Gillmert and Henrik Persson, ”The value of personality: Using algorithms and econometrics to analyse CEO conscientiousness and its impact on M&A performance”

Economics: Sara Lindgren, “Income Inequality and Crime: Evidence from Sweden”

Finance: Nguyen Cao and Natalia Vdovina, ”Enhancing Momentum Profits through Volatility Timing and Cost Mitigation Techniques”

Innovation and Industrial Management: Felix Ebert, ”The effects of defaults on the adoption of digital radical and incremental innovations”

International Business and Trade: Amanda Cullberg and Alina Erlandsson, “Leadership in a multicultural context - Project management of international teams”

Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship: Daniel Gustafsson and Johanna Herstedt, ”The future of innovative partnerships – How can large global corporations and startups form successful collaborations?”

Logistics and Transport Management: Viktor Björklund and Tim Vincze, “Blockchain Smart Contracts, the new rebar in the construction industry?”

Management: Daniel Jansson and Eric Johansson, ”The Mainstream effect. A critical study on leadership development”

Marketing and Consumption: Mariya Kristiansen and Desislava Chukarska, “Analysing car-sharing and variations between practices within the mobility nexus in Gothenburg”

Malmsten Award winners 2019

In picture, from left: Sara Lindgren, Felix Ebert, Desislava Chukarska, Johanna Herstedt, Nguyen Cao, Axel Gillmert, Natalia Vdovina, Erik Johansson, Arlina Erlandsson, Tim Vincze, Viktor Björklund, Amanda Cullberg, Daniel Gustafsson, Henrik Persson, Johan Malmsten (Chairman, the Richard C. Malmsten Memorial Foundation), Daniel Jansson, Mariya Kristiansen
Photo: Carina Gran