A lighthouse placed on rocks
Today opens the first of two open calls within a Nordic Research Initiative, focusing on combatting sexual harassment in the workplace.
Photo: Carina Elmäng

Open call for Nordic Research Initiative

Research and evidence-based knowledge is essential to be able to develop new and effective measures to combat sexual harassment in the workplace. The 20th of April the first of two open calls within a Nordic Research Initiative was launched, focusing on these issues.

In order to develop new and effective efforts to combat sexual harassment in the workplace, evidence- and research-based knowledge is essential. In light of this, the Nordic Council of Ministers has decided to support a Nordic research initiative, in co-operation between several sectors within the Nordic collaboration. Sectors involved include gender equality, culture, working life and the Nordic Committee for Children and Young People. The research initiative consists of two open calls for proposals, both will be launched in 2021.  Open Call 1 opened on 20 April. 

About Open Call 1

The open call 1 is aimed at currently ongoing research projects, which through approval of a Nordic grant could contribute to new knowledge regarding sexual harassment in Nordic working life. The focus will be on preventive measures, as well as methods for intervention.  

Key dates

  • Open Call 1 opened: 20 April 2021
  • Open Call 1 closes: 10 June 2021 at 14:00 CET
  • Preliminary time for decisions: September 2021

Assessment and decisions

Applications that meet the criteria will be assessed by external academic reviewers. Decisions will be announced by NIKK, after consulting the interdisciplinary reference group appointed by the Nordic Council of Ministers in connection with this initiative. Decisions are final. 

Guide for applicants – applying for Open Call 1

Information about aim, criteria and application contents can be found in the Guide for applicants
Please read the guide carefully, prepare any required attachments to be uploaded, before you fill out, and submit the application form.  

Digital information meeting on 6 May 

A digital info meeting will be organised for those who have questions about the call and plan to apply: Thursday, 6 May, 13.00-14:30 CET

Interested in participating? Please email no later than 3 May.

Communication and dissemination from the research initiative

NIKK will administer the research initiative and disseminate information about and knowledge from the projects that are awarded grants. In the winter of 2022/2023, a Nordic dissemination conference is planned, covering both calls of the research initiative, in co-operation with the Norwegian Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers for 2022. NIKK is a cooperative body under the Nordic Council of Ministers, placed at the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research. 

Please read more about the Nordic Research Initiative on the NIKK website