Photo of Bo Håkansson, professor in Biomedical signals and systems at Chalmers University of Technology.
Honorary doctor Bo Håkansson, a professor in Biomedical signals and systems at Chalmers University of Technology and inventor of the implantable hearing aids.
Photo: Johan Wingborg

Newly appointed honorary doctor at Sahlgrenska Academy


Professor Bo Håkansson of Chalmers University of Technology has been awarded an honorary doctorate in medicine by Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg.

Bo Håkansson, born 1953, is a professor of electrical engineering. His world-leading research on the conduction of sound vibrations in human bone has resulted in a hearing device anchored in the skull bone, today available globally, that has been of life-changing importance to people with impaired hearing.

Håkansson has also been the driving force behind the further development and commercialization of implantable hearing aids, with a clear focus on ensuring that research successes benefit individuals and society.

In its citation for the award, the Board of Sahlgrenska Academy also highlights Håkansson’s collaborative project with the Faculty to develop hand movements subject to voluntary control in arm prostheses (“bioelectric signal processing”). This development has received major international attention and, as the citation states, helped to put a focus on Sahlgrenska Academy.

The Board writes: “These research successes have generated industrial expansion in the Gothenburg area, with companies like Cochlear, Oticon Medical and Integrum, to name but a few. The essential foundation for the translational research projects developed in this area at Sahlgrenska Academy has been the close collaboration with Professor Bo Håkansson and Chalmers University of Technology.”

With the appointment, Sahlgrenska Academy wants to show appreciation for the outstanding and successful collaboration with Håkansson, but also its wish for continued and strong cooperation.

Agneta Holmäng, professor and Dean, says: “Technology and health is a vital area of collaboration for Sahlgrenska Academy and Chalmers, in which Bo Håkansson has made very substantial contributions. He’s a highly deserving honorary doctor, and we’re very pleased to be able to appoint him.

“This award also creates a potential for further good collaboration, and I’d particularly like to emphasize our excellent Program in Audiology. Many of the students are keenly interested in the technical opportunities that exist for helping people with impaired or damaged hearing. This is an example of an area where we’d like to intensify our collaboration with Bo Håkansson and his colleagues at Chalmers.”

Bo Håkansson (Chalmers website)