
New research project granted from J. Gustaf Richert's foundation


In June 2019, Business and Design Lab was granted 380.000 SEK for the project “Design-driven co-creation of the city: A new inter-organizational meaning?”. The project will be led by Elena Raviola, Torsten and Wanja Söderberg Professor in Design Management and will last one year. Elena Raviola will work on the project together with Christina Vildinge, strategic designer and group manager at White Architects who will be the project's action researcher.

The project in short:
In order to meet the challenges of society, collaboration is crucial, but there is no research that can guide the complex work that sustainable urban development entails. The project examines design as a process for leading and driving interorganizational collaboration and is based on meaning-making through design as a way of approach when transforming an existing place.

The physical design of the environment is of great importance for the behavior and interaction of people and groups, but people's quality of life is not given enough space in the planning, which threatens the sustainability of society. Sustainable urban development requires collaboration, new forms of cooperation and processes – work processes that address the major social issues such as sustainability, value creation and integration. It is a complex challenge, demanding coordination between different - sometimes contradictory - perspectives, interests and target conflicts. The project examines design as a driving force in change. Can co-production based on aesthetics contribute to a new common understanding and relationship to place?

The research project is based on Trygg, a beautiful urban light art project where art, light design and citizen dialogue are used in the transformation of space to create safer and more inviting public environments. The project is based on the research tradition developed in the Business & Design Lab and is based on organizational theory and pragmatic aesthetics.