
Innovative when SCA talked about innovations


PresentationPhoto: Anne Björkman, SCA

Annika Nordin, VP Strategic Project and Anders Elmquist, VP Finance & Business Development, both from SCA, were for the second time invited to the Master’s programme Innovation and Industrial Management (IIM), at the University of Gothenburg to talk about “How does innovations really work?” The focus of the seminar was to emphasize the importance of innovations and how it works in real life when it comes to using innovations to secure profitable growth.

SCA showed the students how a company works strategically with the models and theories that the IIM programme teaches. This is an interesting way to see how the theories are transferred into practice. The combination of the speakers from SCA provided the students with a broader perspective on how innovation and innovation projects are handled within the whole organisation, and also gave a perspective from the finance sector. SCA provided the students with examples of product launches during recent years and how they work in close connection with their customers to constantly improve the product portfolio and come up with new solutions.

To strengthen the credibility when talking innovations, modern technology was used in an innovative way to increase the interaction between the audience and speakers. During the presentation, which included several different brand films, the students could ask questions to Annika and Anders via an app. The questions could be seen by everyone, but the author could be anonymous. If any of the students thought a question was interesting he/she could push a “like” button. For each “like” the question was rated higher and climbed higher on the list and by that more likely to be answered during the Q&A session in the end.