
Environmental economists of the world return to Gothenburg


The Department of Economics at the School of Business, Economics and Law at University of Gothenburg has been selected to host the 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, WCERE, in June 2018.

“We feel happy and proud to once again be trusted to organize a leading congress in our discipline”, says Thomas Sterner, Professor of Environmental Economics, and head of the Local Organization Committee for WCERE 2018.

Experienced host
The Department of Economics has a strong track-record in event and larger conference organization. A milestone achievement was the hosting of EAERE 2008, (The European conference of Environmental and Resource Economists). Five years later in 2013, the annual congress of European Economics Association and Econometric Society (EEA-ESEM 2013) took place here. In March 2016, the department hosted the national conference on health economics and in September we will be organizing the Swedish national conference on economics.
“The conferences we have hosted so far have turned out successfully, both academically and in terms of event management, and the focus of this one fits perfectly with the strategy of the school”, says Olof Johansson-Stenman, Professor of economics and the Vice-Dean of The School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg.

Planning for real impact
“We have strong connections to the surrounding society and plan to organize policy sessions to capitalize and further strengthen this interface”, says Sterner. He continues, “in addition, the Swedish EPA is coordinating an active network of environmental economics’ practitioners. We will organize activities for them and invite participants from similar networks in other countries.”

Practice what we preach
“As environmental economists we will do our best to practice what we preach,” says Sterner. Not only will we make sure to live up to the University of Gothenburg ´s environmental standards, but we will try to be even better and put our knowledge of experimental design and incentive structures into practice when considering environmental aspects such as of transports, food and disposables. We also aim at being innovative and cutting edge when it comes to best use of interactive technology. Most importantly we will provide a good venue academically – as well as good food and fun entertainment. All to maximize interactions.
To sum up: “The ultimate conference” is our motto – we aim for the perfect mix of intellectual substance, policy interaction and conviviality!

Facts about the event
The five day congress will take place at the School of Business, Economics and Law at University of Gothenburg and will be open to professional academics, students, practitioners and policy makers within the broad discipline of environmental and resource economics. Around 1200 participants are expected.
The Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE), the East Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics (EAAERE), and the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) jointly stand behind the 6th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists that will be hosted by the School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg, from June 25th to June 29th, 2018. Professor Thomas Sterner will be chairing the Local Organizing Committee.