
CERGU Welcomes Maja Hultman!

Maja Hultman is a new CERGU postdoc.

CERGU welcomes a new postdoc, Maja Hultman, who officially started on January 1, 2021. Maja's home department is the Department for Historical Studies, and she received her PhD in 2019 from the University of Southhampton.

Here is a brief description of Maja's postdoc-project plan: Retracing the transnational movements of two Swedish-Jewish business families, and their subsequent migration of cultural ideas between diasporas and across national borders, the project The Impact of the Shoah on European-Jewish Business Networks and Cultural Mobility examines the function, disappearance and/or change of Jewish cultural centres in Europe, influencing Swedish-Jewish life, from the 1910s to the 1970s. It studies the period before, during, and after the Shoah , and thus examines the impact of Christendomʹs antisemitism –annihilating six million Jewish souls and European-Jewish cultural centres in the 1940s – on Jewish belonging to Europe. With an interdisciplinary approach – using business history, cultural studies, comparative studies, and gender studies – the project shows how firstly, European Jews used transnational structures to collaborate on cultural developments, and secondly, discriminating jurisdiction against an ethnic minority within one European nation potentially informs the ethnic group’s cultural practices in other parts of Europe.

Maja Hultman