Researcher Björn Burmann in a lab
Photo: Johan Wingborg

Björn Burmann awarded VR Consolidator grant

The Swedish Research Council's (VR) has published its decision on Consolidator grants 2020. WCMTM PI Björn Burmann is one of 20 researchers receiving the Consolidator grant for his project "Atomiska detaljer för AA+ proteasfunktion avslöjas genom lösning NMR-spektroskopi". The grant amounts to 12 million SEK for six years.

About Björn Burmann Group

Dr. Björn Burmann, Associate Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Chemistry oriented towards life science, investigates macromolecular protein machines by high-resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) underlying essential cellular functions, e.g. protein quality control and DNA-repair processes.

He aims to elucidate their respective function at the atomic level in order to understand their dysfunction underlying several neurodegenerative diseases and cancer-types.

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