
SweLL learner essays: statistics, Korp access, and more

Culture and languages
Science and Information Technology

Elena Volodina presents the infrastructure project SweLL - Swedish Learner Language and shows a preview of how you can use it through the concordance search tool Korp. You will also have a chance to try it out yourself.

29 Mar 2021
13:15 - 15:00

Department of Swedish


SweLL - Swedish Learner Language - is an infrastructure project which is over now, and we soon can release the collection of essays written by learners of Swedish as a second language. The collection consists of around 1200 essays that are manually pseudonymized, 500 of those are manually normalized and corr-annotated (for example "word-order correction"). There are ≈29.000 corrections introduced into those essays, and we have made it possible to not only search for those using Korp, but also to see full texts, and add more annotations if you would like. If you are interested to know how, welcome to this talk.

I will describe the data and show you a preview of how you can use it through Korp. You will also have a chance to try it out.