Photo: Illustration: Cecilia Lundgren

Researching young fatherhood in Sweden and the UK

Education and learning

This presentation reports on ongoing international comparative research about young fatherhood, focusing on the parenting journeys of young fathers (aged 25 and under) in the UK and Sweden.

11 May 2022
13:00 - 14:00
Online or on Campus Pedagogen, will be announced later.

Anna Tarrant, University of Lincoln
Good to know
The presentation is open to the public. No registration needed.
Department of education, communication and learning

This presentation reports on ongoing international comparative research about young fatherhood, focusing on the parenting journeys of young fathers (aged 25 and under) in the UK and Sweden. The data and analysis are being developed as part of a larger qualitative longitudinal programme of research called Following Young Fathers Further (2020-24). Funded by the UK Research & Innovation Future Leaders Fellowship scheme, Following Young Father Further is the first study of its kind to interview young fathers synchronously in different countries and compare their experiences in different family and welfare support contexts. Anna will present findings developed in collaboration with her team (Dr Linzi Ladlow) and international partners (Thomas Johannsson and Jesper Andreasson) that form the basis of two papers; the first that examines the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on young fathers and their families and the second that focuses on how young fathers construct young fatherhood and the extent to which they can fulfil their commitments to being there for their children, as well as to gender equality.