
NordTerror - The Nordic Terrorism Studies Colloquium

Culture and languages
Science and Information Technology
Society and economy

"Left-wing terrorism and political violence during the Cold War", with Leena Malkki, University of Helsinki.

6 May 2021
15:15 - 17:00

Commentator: Dan Hansén, Swedish Defence University.

NordTerror will meet monthly on Thursdays at 15:15-17:00 to listen to English presentations by researchers working on Nordic terrorism studies with a slant towards studies focusing on the historic (postwar) and near present. Each meeting will present recent or ongoing research and consist of an introductory presentation for 20-30 min followed by a discussion with the audience. 

NordTerrors’s organizing committee consists of Mats Fridlund (chair) and Daniel Brodén (co-chair) from the Dept of Literature, History of Ideas and Religion at the University of Gothenburg; Tore Bjørgo at Centre for Research on Extremism (C-REX) at University of Oslo; Karen Lund Pedersen at Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS); and Leena Malkki at the Centre for European Studies at University of Helsinki.