Photo of a bracelet with a human heart as charm
"Heart charm" (2000) by Nanna Melland
Photo: Nanna Melland

Living Jewellery and Dead Objects

Culture and languages

Zoom lecture with the Norwegian jewellery artist Nanna Melland arranged by the Craft programme at HDK-Valand.

20 Oct 2021
15:00 - 16:30

Good to know
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The Danish author Karen Blixen wrote “Courage is man’s answer to the conditions in life”.
At times, a lot of courage is needed to face the obstacles and uncertainties encountered in life. No wonder the field of jewellery contains many examples with protective and luck bringing properties.

Nanna Melland will take us on a jewellery journey, a potpourri of different studies and work experiences. From the high plateau of Tibet, craft as well as academic studies in History of religion and Anthropology, to the vibrating contemporary jewellery scene in Munich, Design studies in Copenhagen, where she also worked as a goldsmith in Scandinavias largest gold jewellery production, Ole Lyngaard, and how meditation and working in a fish filleting factory in the north of Norway made her steps towards jewellery, and finally to Oslo where she is living and working today.
Is the time right now, to activate spiritual meaning and power relevant to people enmasse, within the field of contemporary jewellery, and can it be done without entering the “darkness” of magic and superstition?


Nanna Melland is a Norwegian jewellery artist based in Oslo. She studied at the Munich Art Academy under Professor Otto Künzli, and at the University of Oslo, she studied Social Anthropology and History of Religion. Her focus was cultural objects, myths, and storytelling. In her work, Melland is interested in how materials and objects carry within themselves,
stories relevant to human existence. Her work is represented in Nordenfjeldske Arts and Craft Museum, and she has taken part in numerous groups and solo exhibitions in museum and galleries around the world. In 2017 she was a guest professor
at Burg Gibichenstein in Halle, Germany.